
Keeping Slugs Out of Your Garden

July 18, 2008

Black slug in the grassGet an easy to clean manual grinder (one used for grinding onions, etc.) (Look for at yard sales, second hand stores). Collect slugs (4-5 will do). Put in grinder top with water. Grind up. Put into bowl covered with cheesecloth. Put juice in a 2 litre pop bottle, top with water.


Use dollar store sprayer to spray the ground or poke holes in the cap and sprinkle the complete perimeter of your garden. (Wear rubber gloves to do this, you will not want this smelly solution on your hands). Repeat process after rain. Slugs (and lots of other annoying insects and animals such as flies, mosquitoes, cats and dogs hate the smell and will go elsewhere. It's inexpensive, vey effective (most importantly), and less time-consuming than going to the store for slug bait or emptying the slug traps.

I am a bit ashamed to admit I did enjoy grinding the slugs after what they did to my plants, you may experience this feeling too!

Source: I must have read this somewhere but it was so long ago that I do not know where it was. Probably a Readers Digest Problem Solver Book.



November 11, 20160 found this helpful
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This works on any pest animals. We have squirrels around here like you would not believe because we are heavily treed and everyone has annuals and perennials in their yards all over the place. It's a playground. Not to mention slugs, and bugs. yuck. On a video called Back to Eden, the guy mentioned crows killing his chickens so he shot one and hung it on a pole, they flew away and never came back.


This will work. They know death is coming, and they don't like it. If they do come, I figure they wanna go home so I happily help them home. But I'm not grinding on slugs. I just whack them up with a straight hoe into pieces, or use salt when on a brick pathway. Also they do not seem to care for wood chips. Especially ones with pine needles like Blue Spruce. Too crunchy, too prickly.

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11 More Solutions

This page contains the following solutions.

June 9, 2010

To help prevent grubs and slugs from ruining your planting beds, place a few slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place in the garden. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 216 Posts
July 12, 2011

Every year, time and energy are required to pick slugs off the broccoli and lettuces, and every year we try different things to keep those slugs away - with very limited success.

Congainers of lettuce placed on small garden table.


April 10, 2005

Here's a sunny bunch of yellow primulas to brighten your day! They are just so nice right now, while the mauve ones are getting done. For the slugs, I put crushed eggshells around.

Lovely Yellow Primula (Preventing Slugs and Sow Bugs)



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 29, 2007

Slugs thrive west of the Cascades Mountains in the Pacific Northwest. Damaged plants are marked by slime trails and irregular-shaped holes with smooth edges. You can follow this link for more information on slugs.

Here are some more tips from the ThriftyFun community on slug control.

Recycle Window Screens As Slug Deterrent

Cut old metal window screens into 1x1 foot squares. Then cut a hole in the center of the square and put it on the ground around the plant. Slugs don't like to slither across window screens.

Sharp Edges Deter Slugs

You can crush up some seashells and spread them around your plants. The broken edges are very sharp and the slugs cannot crawl over them.

By Sue L.

Copper And Nasturtiums

I have had some luck with edging planters with copper strips or wrapping with copper wire. Slugs will avoid it. Also, a border planted with a natural slug deterrent, such as nasturtiums, can be beautiful and beneficial.

By Jess

Salt Around Plants, Not On Plants

Try putting crushed egg shells around your plants, and you can spinkle a little salt around the area. Don't put the salt on the plants, because it will kill them.

By elva

Prevention And Lure Techniques

Non Organic: Get pellets from any garden supply store, some may be poisonous to pets/children.

Organic: Barrier methods - sprinkle eggshells or diatomaceous earth around individual plants. The sharp edges deter/kill the slugs.


Lure And Kill Methods: Bury a small margarine container so the rim is level with the soil surface, put an inch of beer in the bottom. Slugs will be attracted by the beer and fall in and drown. Lay thick slabs, (10 - 20 pages), of wet newspaper out in the garden beds at night. In the morning when they've finished munching, they will withdraw to the dark dampness under the paper. Collect by hand or stamp on them in heavy boots, the added satisfaction of revenge! Put a bounty on their heads and send the neighbourhood kids out just after nightfall to collect them for cash.

By Jo Bodey

Ammonia Slug Control

This is for slug control. I mix Sudsy Ammonia with water, half and half (they really won't crawl away from this mixture!), or a little more water and put it in a spray bottle. You can spray this solution right onto the flowers and plants and it doesn't hurt them. That way you get all the baby slugs that the mother has lovingly placed to feed on the tender parts! It works great! Happy slugging! By Betty


Feel free to post your ideas for slug control below.


By CONNIE (Guest Post)
March 30, 20070 found this helpful

WE have a sweetgum ball tree and I keep some of the sweetgum balls and put them gently under my hosta plants and other plants the slugs seem to love. They will not crawl across the spiney sweetgum balls as it will cut up their bodys.Over a perid of timethe sweetgum balls dry out and make good mulch in the garden. Works well for me. Hope it works well for you. Connie in Ballwin, Mo

April 2, 20070 found this helpful

I have tried the beer trick and it really works! But don't forget to empty the bowl daily or it really stinks of dead slugs!

July 18, 20100 found this helpful

Where do i find the sweet gum balls? Sounds like people have them that want to get rid of them and I am not sure what they look like. Just need some for my hostas.

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July 27, 2013

I love the idea of getting rid of slugs with cucumbers in a pie "tin". My question is can you use the disposable foil tins or do they need to be the real thing?

By G G from Philadelphia, PA

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March 17, 2017

Slugs do not like to crawl across copper so it can be a very effective deterrent in your garden. This is a page about using copper for slug and snail control.

Using Copper for Slug and Snail Control

February 25, 2017

In the continuing battle between gardeners and slugs, some people have tried coffee grounds to ward these voracious eaters away from their tender plants. This is a page about use coffee grounds to deter slugs.

large slug

March 15, 2017

By setting out shallow bowls filled with beer you can control slugs in your garden without the use of pesticides. This is a page about use beer to prevent slugs.

Slug on Lettuce

March 15, 2017

Some gardeners have good success reducing the slug population in their garden using broken egg shells. This is a page about use egg shells for slug prevention.

Egg Shells

February 27, 2017

Used in the proper proportion ammonia to water, many gardeners have had success in controlling slugs by spraying with this mixture. This is a page about using ammonia for slug control.

two large slugs

February 27, 2017

Slugs can easily eat lots of you plant leaves. There are many types of slug deterrents, sawdust is one all natural option. This is a page about sawdust to deter slugs.

giant slug

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