
Keeping Track Of Medical Information

August 30, 2010

Using a dog tag for medical information.I purchased a dog tag from PetSmart and on one side I have my name and phone number, on the other side I list O-POS / DIABETIC. It's attached to my key chain just in case of an emergency and can easily be seen.


By CPJ from Madison, AL

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May 15, 2006

We brought my mother to our home to live during the last few years of her life. She had a multitude of medications and medical information. Much of the information, especially prescriptions, changed often.


January 6, 2014

As my husband, my 4 year old and myself all ended up with the flu, keeping track of who I gave the Tylenol to and when I took that cough syrup and all that came up more than one time.


July 13, 2007

My husband attended a meeting last week where the speaker gave them a tip about information to have in case of an emergency at home. I had never heard this before but thought it is a great idea.


November 10, 2010

If you don't carry Emergency Medical information on your person, you NEED to. Here is a site that offers 100% free Emergency Medical information that you can fill-in online and print out.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 170 Posts
January 17, 2011

Many years ago, I was diagnosed with a medical condition that was not life threatening, but did cause various problems. I had went to specialists for well over a year without much help.


At the time, there wasn't much treatment for this medical condition.


June 24, 2005

For every physician you see and for every place where you have a medical test performed (ex. if you have an ultrasound in a hospital), create a file folder with the following information:


October 23, 2019

I was in a car accident three months ago. The ambulance took me to the hospital from the car accident. I didn't have a list of the medicine I take and what I am allergic to. My tip is to keep your list of your medicine in the car or in your purse so that if you are in a accident, the doctor will know what you are taking.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 22, 2006

Does anyone know where I can find a good medication chart? My husband just had Triple Bypass Surgery and I really need to keep up with his medications, like what he takes and like 2 or 3 times a day. Some kind of check list to go by. I don't know how to use the programs on the computer. Also what kinds of foods I can give him. Thank you all so much for all the help you have already given.

wvqdz from WV


May 23, 20060 found this helpful

You can get a pill box that has 7 little separate boxes. Each box has a compartment for 4 separate times of day. I found one in the dollar store.

May 23, 20060 found this helpful

Here are some links of medication charts. They're all a bit different -- perhaps one fits your needs better than another.


By Lee (Guest Post)
May 23, 20060 found this helpful

I've been an Open Heart Nurse for 10 years, not to mention my mom had open heart surgery 3 times. You will get through this! Asking questions is the best thing you could be doing. First of all for separating his meds, I've been told the pill boxes work the best. Some of my patients fill a week's worth at a time, and many times a home health nurse will do this for the elderly ones. Maybe you could find a resource throught your MD's office to help you get set up with a system that works for you. As far as diet goes it seems that your husband's heart surgeon or cardiologist would have provided this information prior to his discharge from the hospital!


To tell you a cardiac diet is low in sodium and cholesterol with no caffeine is not enough for most people. Inquire as to whether or not you have access to a dietician through your health insurance. When all else fails get on the internet and through a search engine lookup "cardiac diet" and if he is a diabetic add "cardiac ADA diet". ADA stands for the American Diabetic Association and their restrictions must be combined with a cardiac diet if your husband has both conditions. Good luck!

By Carol in PA (Guest Post)
May 24, 20060 found this helpful

I use three weekly pill cases to keep track of my medications. (I take mine three times a day.) That way, when the pill case is full, I know I haven't taken my pills yet. If it is empty, the opposite is true. You can also buy pill cases that are for one week, but have 4 different little compartments for each day. Both kinds are sold at your drug store.


Also, there is a chart available from It is called The Body Clutter Investigator. You can download it for free on this page. Click on Body Clutter Investigator and you will be directed to the page ready to download. This sheet makes it possible to keep track of how many servings of fruits and veggies you've had each day. It includes water consumption. Its all needed for a healthy diet.

By chml (Guest Post)
May 24, 20060 found this helpful



This is one of the best tips I can give you!

Get weekly pill boxes with 4 compartments, Morning, Noon, Evening, Bed. That is compartments that make a week with 28 places for pills.

I have 5 of them! I do my pills once a month. (28 days).

I order all my pills one time a month, and sit and do them one time a month.

When you use a system like this you can tell at a glance if the right pills were taken or not. This is very important when you can't remember if you took an important pill and don't want to take it again.


I used this system with my Mother and Aunt for their pills 20 years ago and still use it today for myself.

For going out for the day some planners pop out and you can take the day with you. I would put it in a baggie in case it popped open. When traveling I take the whole 7 days with me and use a zip bag.

My 7 day planners have the whole monthly lid that comes off so when I fill it, it's easier. It also will go through the dishwasher top shelf.

I know you asked about a chart, and the other responders have had good sugustions. I've never dealt with a chart so they can help more with that.

I would never go back to doing my pills any other way than this.

They are ready for you to take without opening all those seperate pill bottles each time.

Good Wishes.

May 31, 20060 found this helpful

I make my own forms for my three boys. They are each on a different medication and therapy regimen for their epilepsy & other disabilities and I put each into a separate three ring binder and I can see at a glance what I have done for the day, what I still need to do, meds left to give, etc. I like making my own forms because each of my boys need different "charting". One only takes medication twice a day and needs no therapies or anything else charted. One needs EVERYTHING charted: what he eats, times meds are given, what he drinks, when he goes potty, when his physical, occupational and speech therapies are, cognitive things we may notice... and the third is somewhere in between... the same form for all of the boys would be silly because one needs just a simple med chart and the others need considerably more. The pill boxes are a great idea, I do not use them as I have small children in the house, but that would further uncomplicate our hectic life. The three ring binders travel well to the doctor's office and also makes a great place to store your "list of questions" for the doc! Good luck!

By Claire (Guest Post)
August 10, 20080 found this helpful

Your Pharmacist can make your medication up in blister packs with the date, time, dose and name of medication on the back of each pop out section so there are no mistakes. Otherwise places like respite centers and hospitals have quite good forms that you could copy.

February 7, 20090 found this helpful

Try this chart for keeping track of medications. I'm sure you could find a less complicated one - but, you can probably modify it to your needs.

By Clare (Guest Post)
February 15, 20090 found this helpful

check out: for a complete system

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March 29, 2016

This is a page about keep an up-to-date medication list with you. Having a list of your current medications with you in case of an emergency is a good idea.

Medical supplies surrounding a clipboard with blank page

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