When you sign up for a special telephone or cable deal, it can be difficult to remember when your deal is about to run out before you get stuck with a much larger bill.
In order to avoid this, try putting a sticky note reminder on your calendar the month before the deal is set to expire. This way you have time to decide whether or not you will keep it and pay the higher premium or call to change to a lower priced service option.
By Marie from West Dundee
I put all reminders of things that will expire, such as contracts or 'trial periods' in my online calendar, and set it for a reminder to be emailed to me. I do the same to remind me when I need to re-order med. refills, or any other specific task that I think I could forget. I even have a monthly reminder set for the date to pay the rent, so if I'm busy the date won't slide by me! ;) To avoid a major panic if your computer crashes, be sure to keep a back-up on CD! But then, that applies to everything you'd want or need if your 'puter crashed or 'got sick'.
I do basically the same thing and write these type of notes directly on the calendar the month before ;-) Thanks for sharing this tip that many of us take for granted but that many might not think to do to make life easier :-)
I do something similar, with my MS Outlook Calendar. It helps me, because I literally can't see the print calendar.
I have been doing this for years and it really works!
I do it for everything from when the car inspection is due, when doctors appointments need to be made, a reminder that I bought Christmas cards for the next year (when I buy them on sale in January), when my wireless plan expires, etc.
At some point, these post it reminders need to go onto the next calendar year and these reminders get put on December so that when I buy a new calendar, the reminders can all be put on the next year.