
Keeping Track of Medication

June 22, 2010

A man looking through a medicine cabinet for his prescription.I take a lot of medication due to my illnesses. To help me sort my medications, I mark the top of the identical bottles with an AM, NOON, or PM and some with both (with a permanent marker). I keep all the bottles in a nice flat bottom bag that is easy to grab and see into when I sort my medication into the individual weekly pill containers. I have a pill container for morning, noon, and night, each a different color and size.


Having the bottles marked make it easier to spot the AM pills quickly, as well as the NOON and PM. This helps me a great deal when I am feeling very poorly and my mind isn't wanting to work. When I get a new bottle of pills, I put the already marked lid on the new bottle.

To keep up with my pain medication, I have a note pad by my bottle of pain medication and I write down each and every time I take one and the time of day that I took it, so I do not get confused, this also eases the minds of my family because they can look at my notes if I am sleeping too much. When taking 11 different prescriptions and 18 pills daily, it really helps to keep things running smoothly with little tricks such as these.

I never leave the house without a complete list of all medications that I take and the amounts as well as my allergies, illnesses, surgeries, doctor's, resent tests and contact information. I created this list on my computer so that it is easy to read and update. It is great to enter a doctor's office and hand them my information so they have no questions to ask because all of the answers are there for them, listed on one page and not scattered on several pages like it would be if I filled out their first time visit information.


I hope you can find some help in this information. I have lived by it for over 10 years now because I just cannot remember everything that I take, am allergic to, or all of the other issues doctors want to know. Good luck.

By Tina Brown from Lufkin, TX



June 22, 20100 found this helpful
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One other trick you might like to use is this. When I fill my husbands pill tray for the week sometimes Pill A will run out on Wednesday and Pill B on Thursday. Before I call in the refills I write on a Post-It;
Pill A - Thurs - Sat A.M.
Pill B - Fri - Sat A.M. + P.M.
or whatever the dosages are, that way when the refills are collected I don't have to check the box, and having it on the bathroom mirror (it has never fallen off) reminds both of us that we have to collect the refills.

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January 6, 2014

As my husband, my 4 year old and myself all ended up with the flu, keeping track of who I gave the Tylenol to and when I took that cough syrup and all that came up more than one time.


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 75 Tips
January 7, 2016

If you are taking a pill every day and have a hard time remembering whether you have taken it or not, you can write the day on the pill bottle label every day to keep track. This keeps the record with the bottle and saves you the bother of dealing with a day-of-the-week dispenser.

marks on label


July 17, 2006

I take multiple medications and usually sort them out into a pill carrier every two weeks. However, I have one pill that I take twice a day at different times than my other meds.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
May 14, 2018

I have tried this and that, and finally found the best way to take my medications. They have mini mason jars for 2/$1.00 at the Dollar Tree.


This is 7 jars, one for each day. I have a big "I" on the top to remind me to take my insulin in the AM.

A row of small empty mason jars with prescription medication bottles.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 111 Feedbacks
July 6, 2017

I need to take lots of Tums every day, for the calcium. I dump three into a largish pill bottle cap and set it next to my keyboard. I reach for them without thinking about it as I work, and when I reach and find an empty cap, I know I've had that dose of Tums.

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