
Keeping Track of Nutritional Information

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
May 24, 2016

Coupon Holder for Food InformationI am a big fan of the little book called Calorie King. It has every bit of information you might need to know what fat, calories, sodium and, my personal nemesis, sugar/carbs you are ingesting. Because I am trying desperately to lose enough of the last 25 pounds to get off insulin, I was hefting it around or forgetting it at home.


Originally I was going to rip up the book, find a binder to keep it in, and punch holes. I couldn't find a binder without six holes and the thought of that much work was daunting.

So I came up with a dollar store solution. With a coupon holder, I separated the things I need to watch for and simply keep those pages I need with me. I could get this on my phone, but I share data with my daughter and her family so I thought this would work even when I forget my phone or it's dead.

You can do the same with a little time and your own labels. This is really going to help me and I think it could help you if you are struggling with your "healthy food choices" like I am.

PS: Check out the fast food section, it will shock you!

Source: No source but saving time.

Coupon Holder for Food Information
Coupon Holder for Food Information


May 28, 20160 found this helpful

You should be pleased with yourself for using this device to help you achieve your goal. BTW have you come across Dr. Hyman's Eat Fat program? Check it out

May 28, 20160 found this helpful

I use and have an app on my phone. It lists restaurants and brand name products that tell you how many calories are in each product. You set goals that they help you reach. I lost 32 lbs. in about 6 months.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
May 29, 20160 found this helpful

I have not but thanks for the encouragement and the link!!

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