I have two half brothers. Mother is a Boston Terrier and dad is unknown for one and a Lab/mix for the other. The past two-three weeks they have become quiet the escape artists! They've dug and pushed the fence out. The Lab/mix has either jumped the fence or climbed on to a table that was leaning against the fence. They usually only do this at night, but here lately it doesn't matter if I'm gone or home. They go roaming the neighborhood.
I love my dogs! One of them I've had since 2012. They are about to drive me and my neighbors crazy. My husband wants me to take them to the local animal shelter or put them on Facebook, but I can't bring myself to do that. I love them both. Plus we have three kids and the Lab and the kids don't get along well. My kids are 5, 3 and 9 months, and the Lab is about a year old and he knocks the older two down all the time. The middle child doesn't mind, but the older one is now terrified of all dogs. Thanks in advance.
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You can place chicken wire or rocks at the base of your fence. Instructions are here:www.humanesociety.org/
It may be a the time to call in the experts. As your vet first to give the dogs a clean bill of health and then invest in some training for the two challenges of running (escaping) and not getting along with the kids.
Dogs and kids are supposed to be like peanut butter and jelly, but sometimes you need the right bread (and in this case it is a good dog trainer).
The other thing is perhaps you could keep the dogs in the house at night in a safe location. We have ordinances and such were I am and we could be fined if our dogs were out all night. I would hate to see you get cited for two things....dogs outside and roaming dogs.
Post back with an update.
So we have a pen inside our fence, and so far after repairing the hole they dug out. They seem to be better off. I let them out during the day, feed, fresh water and play, then lock them back up at night.
Sounds like you found a good solution! Thanks so much for sharing back!! Happy spring to all!
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