An empty plastic coffee can with the handle on the back is best for this last minute basket for the Egg Hunt.
Choose bunny, chick, or duck! Grade school kids could do the whole project themselves, but for my preschool story hour kids, I covered the cans and just let them put on the faces. I made about 20 of 'em in an hour!
Approximate Time: 10 minutes or less
- empty plastic coffee cans**
- tissue paper in Easter colors
- wiggle eyes
- large pink pom poms
- orange paper for beaks
- spray adhesive or double stick tape
- Tacky glue
- markers
- Wash and dry cans to get the coffee smell out.
- Fold a sheet of tissue paper in half horizontally.
- Spray adhesive on paper and wrap around the can with the excess paper on the top.

(If your paper is really thin, you may want to cover the can with a piece of white tissue paper first).
I left the handle uncovered just because I thought it would be easier for the kids to carry.
- For bunny: Cut around the excess paper on the top to form two ears, as shown.
Add large wiggle eyes and pom pom with Tacky glue. Let them draw on whiskers with a fine tipped marker.

For chick and duck:
- Trim excess paper on the top of the can with pinking shears.
- Add medium wiggles eyes with tacky glue.
- Cut out an elongated diamond and fold in half for chick.
- Cut out an elongated oval and fold for duck.
- Draw on wings with coordinating marker as shown.
Add grass.
Hunt eggs!
**VARIATION: This idea works well on any can, cut-off plastic milk or pop bottle, oatmeal container, or box such as a large cereal or cracker box. You will need to poke holes in the sides and add a yarn or ribbon handle as shown. You can get creative with the variety of tissue papers now available.
By Cindy from Waynesburg, PA