If you are looking for an easy Valentine's craft for younger children, this is a great choice. You only need some basic items to make these adorable love bugs. And on top of a fun activity, kids will be practicing their fine motor skills by using scissors and pulling up small stickers. The craft can also be tweaked to create a ladybug or beetle for an insect theme. All you'd need to do is change paper colors and add black dots!
Total Time: 10-15 minutes
Yield: 1 bug
- liquid school glue
- scissors
- 3 sheets of construction paper (red, purple, and pink)
- 2 wiggle eyes
- pen or pencil
- 10+ heart stickers
- 1 fastener
- single hole puncher

- Draw and cut out two large circles and one small. Mine are 9 inches and 4.5 inches, respectively. If you need to trace the circles, try a bowl and a Nutella lid.

- Glue the small circle to the top of the purple circle to serve as the head. Cut the pink circle in half. These will be the wings. Overlap the top of each half by an inch and punch a hole through them. Line up the halves over the bug head and body. Mark with a pen through the wing holes.

- Punch through the place you marked, which should be near the bottom of the head. Place a fastener though the wing and head holes. Close the fastener on the back.

- Open the wings and decorate the body of the bug with heart stickers.

- Decorate the wings with stickers. Add a sticker for the mouth. Glue on the eyes. In reality, the eyes and mouth should probably be reversed. But the kids in my class liked it better this way. After you are finished, you can hang them with their wings together, like the bugs are sitting still. Or you can have the wings be open like they are flying. The latter is represented in my main photo.

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts February 11, 20180 found this helpful
Very cute Valentine's Day craft :)
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