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I am looking for a recipe for weed killer that is made with vinegar, Dawn dishwashing liquid and something else. If you have this recipe, or another recipe, please let me know.
Here are two homemade recipes to try. Both should be used only on plants that you want to get rid of, taking care not to spray any on surrounding plants. These are most effective when used on emerging weeds.
Alternate version:
Spray these directly on weeds in the garden or pour directly into cracks of walks and driveways.
By Ellen Brown
Here are some other ideas from the ThriftyFun community.
Here's a recipe for homemade weed killer that works for me.
Use a funnel to place the following ingredients in a medium spray bottle approximately the size of a quart, but it doesn't have to be exact:
Fill the rest of the bottle up with water.
Shake well before each use. Spray mixture directly on the weed itself; if weed is out in the yard, be careful not to spray the grass! The vinegar is what kills the weeds, but the dish soap holds the vinegar in place so it stays on the plant instead of running off. This works great on grass or weeds in sidewalk or driveway cracks, too. Best time to spray is in the middle of the day when the sun is beating down on you.
Just a quick comment on the weed killers: Add dish soap to the vinegar and mix it with water to spot-weed the yard (usually 1 part dish soap, 2 parts vinegar, and 2 parts water). The dish soap makes the vinegar stick to the weed longer, and a couple of days baking in the sun should do the trick!
Here's some solutions I've used:
By Susan
I have used plain old vinegar, it even kills dandelions.
By Patricia
I recently read an article about Roundup. It has been linked to the death of amphibians. A few years ago, my neighbors sprayed some on my rockery which spread over into my garden. I'd had visits from little tiny frogs every year but there have been none since.
Susan from ThriftyFun
Be careful when using the mixture that contains salt around concrete - salt can and will damage concrete. I personally wouldn't recommend this one for driveway and sidewalk cracks, just use the vinegar. (06/09/2007)
By John
No, I have the best one, try 1/2 cup Flyphosate, 1/4 cup 2,4d Amine and 1 Tablespoon Ammonium Sulfate; Per Gallon of Water. It will kill everything, and be safe to grow new plants. (08/28/2007)
By Aaron
By Brian David, Master Gardener
I read that if I sprinkle baking soda on weeds they will wither and die, but will it kill my grass also?
Editor's Note: Yes, it will kill grass also. (10/15/2007)
By Amanda
Where do you buy hort vinegar?
Editor's Note: It is available at a garden store. (02/13/2008)
By Williams
NEVER use salt in your garden, even in weed killer. It stays in the soil and will salinate your garden and things just won't grow. As a weed killer I use the vinegar and soap recipe and haven't found anything it won't kill. (06/07/2008)
By Lynn
My bio-dynamic farmer friend showed me how you can kill burdock and Thistle by cutting the flower stalks down just after they reach full flowering. They will not have time to regrow and as most varieties are biannual they will die. This takes a couple of years of consistent cutting and a good scythe for cutting. (06/17/2008)
By Mike
If you have plants coming up under the bird feeder, they're probably plants that produce seeds that birds like to eat. So, I would just leave them be as a free bird feeder. We get lots of sunflowers this way.
Also, plain old boiling water works well and won't damage the soil. Just be careful about nearby plants. (06/20/2008)
By Alyssa
Use 10% vinegar - 1 gallon, add: 2-4 oz orange oil (citrus Orange oil) and 1 Tablespoon liquid soap (not germicide type but real soap).
and if really bad weed problem try this:
2 cups dried molasses, 2 cups sugar, with 1 Tbsp. chili pepper and 2 Tbsp. garlic powder - mix it and lay around base of weeds.
You can mix the dried mix with orange oil and 1 cup vinegar but be sure you are outside as it is bad to breathe. Be sure not to get it on you when spraying and not in your eyes at all.
By Rosalie
Triox, this will kill your weeds to bare ground and last for a year. (09/18/2008)
By Tim W
Wal Mart has their own house-brand of "Round-Up"-- same active ingredient as Round-Up. 41% concentrate, but half the price of Round-Up! It will kill your weeds roots and all, and has NO soil activity! Be careful with salt, it can poison your soil. (10/13/2008)
By Pennysaver
One can just pour hot water on plants, too. But I wish people would really look at all the plants growing in their yards and ask why. Plants like dandelions have deep tap roots. They break up the soil and bring minerals up to the top soil. Why not just mow them down after they've bloomed. They are pretty.
Plants tell you a lot about the condition of your land. We've been taught to prefer manicured, scrubbed yards. There are no fruit trees anymore, which could have something to do with the bee problem. No berry bushes, and a few set apart plants. Why not go crazy and go for lush? Weeds would get crowded out. (04/15/2009)
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