I am looking for a great tasting creme brulee recipe and a quick way of melting the brown sugar topping without burning it.
Carolyn from Murrieta, CA
I am a severely addicted creme brulee' fan. The finest one I ever had was in a good restaurant, the creme portion had amaretto in it, and the coarse brown sugar crystals were torched on with a cook's torch, a tiny butane flamer found in cooking stores. Since then I've found a lot of mistaken ones that were actually flan. The true CB is flat, poured into a small oval platter dish, sprinkled with the topping and then torched. Recipe.com, allrecipes.com, all have it. Or just search 'creme brulee recipe'. In Italian restaurants it's called crema brulatta, but either French or Italian it translates to English as 'burnt cream'. Good luck and bon appetit!