Ideas for making felt flannel boards for kids as suggested by the ThriftyFun community. Post your own tips here.
Use Catalog For Inspiration
I used regular felt, and then used squeeze paints for decorating the felt pieces. I got a catalog from the company that sells the sets, and copied the pieces from there. Good luck
By Tracy
Attach Felt To Scrap Wood
I loved felt boards when I was a kid, so I made my son some when he was little. My Mom and I bought white felt (on the bolt) and wrapped it around a piece of scrap board, then cut out shapes in different colors. There wasn't nearly the cool colors (and ease of nice sheets of colors) when I did this (16 years ago) but it was fun all the same. I think we used Sharpies, but if you check with the craft store, they might have something even better. Have fun!
By Michawn
Back Pictures With Felt
You can also cut out pictures from old magazines or story books and glue felt or flannel on the back. If you can get 2 copies of a story the child likes and cut out the background, trees etc, then glue them to shirt cards and cut them to proper shape, then use scrap flannel or felt on the back the pieces will stick to the felt board. Dollar General has a lot of cute little stories for 50 cents a piece. Just a little time and not much money will provide lots of fun. The very best part, Not Made in China.
By Marty Dick
Try Fun Foam
Felt will work, as will cardboard or fun foam cutouts if you glue a strip of sandpaper on the back. Felt gets kind of floppy-I really like fun foam.
By Linda
Ideas From A Teacher
As a pre-K teacher I use felt board stories a lot in my teaching. I make them from felt, embelish with fabric paints and use velcro pieces on the back. I also use a magnet board which is actually a cookie sheet I got at Dollar Tree. I use pictures I've colored with markers that I find online or in coloring books or magazine photos.
Back them with construction paper, laminate and attach magnets. You can also use clear contact paper to cover them. I also love apron stories, same principle but you attach the pieces to a full length apron that you have velcro attached to. Kids love that. They love seeing what character you pull out of your pocket!
By Linda B.
Use Wool Instead Of Craft Felt
I never use felt! Go better, use wool. Felt pills terrible and every little piece of lint and debris sticks to it. Wool is much stronger and will make the craft last much longer. Felt tends to thin in areas of use very easily.
By Pattie McIntyre
Shoe Box Lined With Felt
You can also use a shoe box lined with felt for a "travel felt board" Doesn't take up much space and each child can have their own.
By Sharry
Pizza Boxes Are Good Too
Someone mentioned using a shoe box which is a super idea! I've used pizza boxes (small ones are great for individual ones) before. Old game boards can be used as backgrounds too.
By Linda B.

January 18, 20080 found this helpful
I've used coloring book pictures as patterns.
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