Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
This is a fun camping and summertime cooking project. You don't need a pan and a stovetop to make pancakes. Try using a tin can and tealight candles. Electricity-free and delicious fun for all!
You can use any pancake batter of your choice. I just made a super simple one here. You can add any mix-ins, but keep them on the small side.
Total Time: 45 minutes
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1 tin can (the larger it is, the wider the pancake)
- can opener
- nail
- hammer
- tealight candles
- 1 lighter
- butter knives
- cooking oil
- spoon

- Start by making your pancake batter. In a bowl, mix together the egg and milk, then stir in the flour until smooth. Set aside.

- Analyze your tin can by checking which end will be better for cooking your pancakes on. Mine was smoother on the bottom.

- Open the can from the end you don't want to cook on. Dump out and reserve (or eat) whatever is in the can.

- Peel the label off the can then use soap and water to deep clean the inside and outside of the can, especially the cooking surface. Dry thoroughly.

- You will need to make holes in the can in order for there to be air flow. If you don't, the candle flames will just go out. If your can opener has a hook blade, just use that to go around and make holes. Otherwise, hammer a nail in very carefully to make holes.

- Go around the top and bottom of the tin to make several holes.

- I placed some butter knives around my candles for the tin to sit on to allow for a bit more airflow for the flames. Light the candles.

- Grease the cooking surface of the can, then place the it on the knives, over the candles. Spoon on a bit of pancake batter.

- After a couple minutes, you'll notice the pancake has cooked. Grab a butter knife. This will be your mini spatula.

- Lift the edges of the pancake to make sure it's ready to flip, then turn over and cook a couple more minutes.

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August 21, 20191 found this helpful
Sounds like a good idea to remember - Florida hurricane season on its way!
I may have to improvise with the milk but us 'campers' can always find a substitute.
Thanks for the great pictures/instructions.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts August 21, 20191 found this helpful
That's an excellent idea for a time to use this, other than camping fun! Great! :)

August 21, 20190 found this helpful
Thanks for a sweet memory. I am in my 70s and recall making these when camping with Girl Scouts. Everything old is new again ! And these are good.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts August 26, 20190 found this helpful
Aww I love that! Thanks for sharing! And it is true, everything old is back in now :)
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