Send a kiss to someone you love by way of these cute little critters. With just small pieces of felt and some magnets, your love will soon be on the way. They make a cute gift for any occasion. Give one as a magnet or add to the top of a gift. Stitch a straight small branch to the back of one and include it in a bouquet of flowers. You can also make a heart tag from card stock and write a love note on it such as, "I'm udderly crazy about you" for the cow or "Sending a deer one a big kiss" for the reindeer.
Approximate Time: approx. 1 hr.
For the most part, all critters are assembled in the same general manner. I will first provide the general instructions, followed by any specific differences in each. They are all hand sewn with simple stitching and if you need to trim at all, it is easy to do with felt. Do as much detail sewing as you can before you stitch any body parts together, such as facial features, hearts, tails, tummy pads, etc. This will help leave the back with a cleaner look. Wait until the end before gluing any items on, such as pom poms and eyes.
Note: When putting two magnets together, there is a positive and negative side to each. Be sure you have the correct side facing out so the two can magnetize together.
Cut two small circles and sew onto pouch circle with french knot in middle of each for nostrils. Cut one head piece and one cow head piece with horns. Insert udder when you are inserting arms and legs. Glue on spots.
Sew nose and mouth details on pouch circle first. Sew small circles of felt on for cheeks. On one head piece, glue yarn around edge for mane. Leave these a little long and trim after body parts are sewn together. Pinch ears when inserting into head for a slightly dimensional look.
When done, glue on pom pom for nose and two for cheeks. Run a piece of thread or two behind cheeks for whiskers. Glue white pom pom on back side for tail.
Make two french knots on pouch circle for nostrils. Cut two small strips for each antler. I inserted a piece of toothpick between and sewed closed. Cut small circles and sew to tops. Insert these along with the ears.
This one is the most time consuming, only because he has more parts. But if you are a fan of the Grinch, the end result is worth the added steps. Of course, this is him after his heart grew.
For head, cut one from head pattern and one from Grinch head pattern with neck. Sew some french knots on pouch circle along with mouth lines. On one head piece, make a couple figure eights with thread for eyebrows. Knot in the middle of each. Snip ends and trim to desired length. His nose is a black wood bead snipped in half. This is glued on at the end along with the eyes. Insert hat and hat trim at an angle into head parts. Stitch closed. Refer to picture, if needed. Lay white neck trim on top of body front. Put both body parts together and insert into head, laying neck on top of white trim. Stitch closed. For each hand, cut one from hoof pattern and one from Grinch hand pattern. When sewing pieces together to make hand, place hoof piece in back. Sew a pom pom on to tip of hat.
Cut small carrot shape from orange felt and sew to top of pouch circle. Sew on black beads at bottom for mouth. Cut two circles for middle of snowman and two more, slightly bigger for bottom. Sew on black beads for buttons. Cut two strips from black felt for hat brim and two squares for hat. If desired, cut two small holly leaves and use red beads for berries; sew to front of hat. The broom is made using a pipe cleaner for the handle and the top is cut just like the tail tips. Insert pipe cleaner and sew top closed. Attach to snowman where Xs are indicated on placement diagram with a few stitches.
By Mary from Palm Coast, FL
As soon as I saw these, I knew they had to be yours Mary. They are adorable, and you are just so creative.
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