A few times a week, I stop by a bagel shop and grab breakfast. I looked at my ATM transactions and $3 bucks for bagel and spread is adding up for convenience. Today, I put a stop to overspending and bought bagels, cream cheese by the pack at my local grocery store. I just need to spend extra 5 minutes to toast and spread and I will save money!
For 6 bagels plus cream cheese, it'll only be 62 cents each whereas I was spending $3. I am already saving $2.38, that's a lot!
I did the math at the store and figured if I spent $3 for just a bagel and spread, I will be able to have Smoked Atlantic Salmon as a protein in the bagel for less than $2 (to be exact only $1.53 each bagel). There is still room to spice up the bagel sandwich with dill, capers, onion and tomatoes to make it healthier too!
Over time it is definitely more affordable to buy and make your own bagels rather than purchasing them at the bagel shop.