
Making Soymilk

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
July 4, 2019

Pandan Infused Soy Milk in panYou can make your own soy milk at home. This is a much cheaper alternative and very healthy for you! With the ingredients I listed, it'll cost you no more than $5 to make. You will be able to make 4 homemade bottles, for the price of just 1 in stores.


Prep Time: Overnight prep soybeans

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Yield: 4 bottles / 2 gallons


  • 3 frozen pandan leaves
  • Pinch salt
  • 16 oz organic soybeans
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 gal water


  1. Pour out entire bag of soybeans in a bowl. Add water to 1" above soy beans and let it sit overnight.
  2. Next day, separate the skin from the beans and wash clean.
  3. soaked Soy beans
  4. In a blender, add soybeans and some water then blend until smooth.
  5. Soy in blender
    Soy beans in blender
  6. Once that batch is finished, pour out and strain.
  7. straining Soy Milk

  8. Repeat Step 3 & 4 until you are out of soybeans. Discard the pulp or you can use to make tofu or something else.
  9. Soy pulp
  10. Wash pandas leaves. Then tie to your desired. I used 2 leaves and tied them together for a total of 6 pieces.
  11. Pandan leaves
  12. Add pandan leaves and cook soy milk over medium heat until boiled. This process will be about 15 minutes.
  13. pan with Pandan in Soy Milk
  14. After boiled, turn off heat and add a pinch of salt and your desired sugar amount. 1 cup was enough for my household, but you can alter to your liking. Once cooled down, you can bottle your soy milk and good refrigerated for up to a week.
  15. Advertisement

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This page contains the following solutions.

July 22, 2009

We make our own soy milk with a Soyquick machine I purchased at the Salvation Army. Soybeans can be purchased cheaply in the bulk goods section of Chamberlain's Natural Foods.


December 30, 2014

We have vegetarians in our family and found they did not like alternate milks, except soy. Soy milk is expensive, so I decided to make my own. Dried soy beans are cheap.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

December 22, 2004

Hello, we just found out that the majority of our family members have a dairy allergy. I am looking for coupons, offers, information and any suggestions conserning soy or rice milk products. Also, has anyone tried making soy milk? Any success? This is a bit overwhelming on our income, so I thank you very much for your time.

Karaof4 from Minnesota.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

Here's a downloadable coupon for soy milk. I am not familar with this brand and haven't tried the coupon but it looks valid. The expiration is February 2005. It's in PDF format.


By (Guest Post)
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

I'm not a huge fan of soy milk myself (too much gas!). Almond milk is good, though! Also, look into goat milk and see if your family can tolerate that. It's oftentimes a better alternative to cow's milk and much easier for humans to process. Plus, if you live in a goat area, it's cheaper than other milk alternatives.

By Alica (Guest Post)
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

My boys don't like cows milk, and I can't tolerate it. I buy a brand that boasts "extra vanilla flavor". It is in a purple carton. It is called "Silk". It has a great flavor (I think). My boys love it a drink it instead of milk. I do make sure that they they eat plenty of other dairy products for the calcium. A. from Mo.

By Valerie (Guest Post)
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

Go to and sign up for their Mambo Sprouts mailer. Each month you will receive a packet of coupons for organic products -- including soy milks and rice milks.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 791 Feedbacks
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

I started drinking soy milk about a month ago and love it. I never have liked cow milk; therefore, I wouldn't get the benefits from it. I got the vanilla flavored soy milk and it tastes just like a vanilla milkshake.


I don't see why you can't add chocolate syrup to it, tho, if you don't like the regular or vanilla taste.

By christy (Guest Post)
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

Make your own homemade soymilk. It takes a little effort but the results are satisfying. For directions on making your own write: got2bcristi (at) yahoo (dot) com

December 22, 20040 found this helpful

Is this a true allergy to milk protein or an inability to digest milk sugar (lactose intolerance)?? Lactose intolerance is definitely the least expensive problem to have! If the problem is with digesting milk sugar (lactose), then lactase enzyme tablets or drops can be used to make the dairy product digestible.


I'm asking because a true allergy to milk is quite rare, but lactose intolerance is very common.

December 22, 20040 found this helpful

My son was allergic to milk for a while, and we tried all sorts of "alternative" milks. I would definitely try goat milk. It tastes the most like cow milk. You can even get evaporated goat milk for baking. Be forewarned, though, alternative milks don't behave like cow's milk in cooking and baking. If you would like more advice and some milk-free recipes, please e-mail me at calnorth (at) yahoo (dot) com. Good luck!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 104 Feedbacks
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

When soy milk is produced it is manufactured in such a way as to remove something toxic - I'm sorry I can't remember exactly what it is. So unless you get a home recipe that takes this into account you will end up with a very unhealthy product, although it may taste OK. I'm sorry I can't remember exactly what the problem was but a Google search on soy milk will give you the details.



By (Guest Post)
December 22, 20040 found this helpful

It's easy to make soy milk. You will need a blender, a large sieve, large cheese cloth, and large pot. Soak the soy beans (buy from bulk bins for cheapest price) overnight. The beans will roughly double in volume, so use lots of water. Put the beans and soaking water in the blender and blend to a fine grain. This is your raw soybean milk. You will need to do this in batches, of course. Pour the blended raw milk through a large sieve lined with cheesecloth, squeezing out as much milk as possible. Cook this milk until it boils, and you will have soy milk. It will taste better than anything you buy in the stores. Boiling removes the toxins in the raw beans. Be very careful when you boil the milk because it boils over very easily (like cow's milk). Store-bought soy milk contains a lot of preservatives because soy products spoil very easily. Homemade soy milk has the advantage of being preservative free. I'm Chinese, so I know!

By Rabbithorns (Guest Post)
December 27, 20040 found this helpful

The best recipe for homemade soymilk is in the New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook published by the Book Publishing Company.

While soy milk is reputed to have a great deal of nutrition, please remember that ALL food labels on every product in America states nutrition based on the RAW, WHOLE food. (I used to work for the USDA and no one in the public knows this.) Cooking and processing destroys much of the nutritive values of the raw food.

Soy milk has a great deal of protein but not as much as labels will state. It also has lots of B vitamins. There's no added viamin D so make sure you and your kids get a couple of minutes of sunshine a day. (Vitamin D is synthesized in the body.)

Your main concern now should be calcium. No one needs 4 glasses of milk a day for their calcium; it's a lie - sort of. The calcium in milk is so hard to absorb, the dairy council has suggested we "aim" for much more calcium than we need so we'll get enough.

Feed your kids salmon with bones (preferably not "pink" salmon - Alaskans throw that stuff to the dogs and won't eat it themselves), and leafy green vegies. There are many other calcium rich foods.

You can buy powdered soy milk, too, and prepare it like powdered milk. The nicest tasting one is "Better Than Milk." It's way too expensive in the package and you can get it bulk at health food stores. If they don't have it bulk, they can order a bag of powder for you.

March 16, 20070 found this helpful

I started drinking the silk milk about a month ago because the two percent kept causing me to get headaches and the whole milk was too fattening, I assume I was lactose intolerant as well as glucose intolerant, so far I've felt much better and my skin which was rough and bumpy has cleared up considerably, however it's causing sleeplessness, I'd only be able to sleep about three to four hours at a time, I wasn't sure what was causing it at first until I ran out and hadn't drank any for three days and was able to fall asleep and stay asleep, so I will have to eliminate that to.

By Laura in Mpls (Guest Post)
April 1, 20080 found this helpful

I have been there myself. I don't digest most dairy foods well, and have tried assorted soy and goatmilk products.
One site you can try for recipes is -- they have oodles of free recipes, some gourmet, so you can learn to substitute soymilk for dairy.
If you are in a locality where you can raise your own dairy goat, that would be great. Read up on it because it can be great family fun.
I know what you mean about the money. But you can make a lot of your regular recipes without dairy milk, and not really miss it -- you will be able to taste the other ingredients more.

February 21, 20190 found this helpful

Thank thank this lot, I will definitely try this. God bless
If I get it right I will commercialise it.
U can also advise me more, I need ur advise

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July 11, 2007

Hi, I want to know how to preserve soymilk for a period of time. I will like to go into large scale production of soymilk in my vicinity. Thanks.

Denola from Ketu, Lagos


July 12, 20070 found this helpful

According to Christian Nutritionists recently, NO one should be consuming (eating OR drinking) ANY soy
because it has been discovered that soy prevents the human body from absorbing vitamins/minerals and nutrients. Perhaps you could consider Almond products or Coconut products instead? They are proven to be VERY much in demand and VERY healthy. God bless and help you to make the right decision. : )

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