This page contains the following solutions.
1. Fold each holder in half lengthwise and staple circles together at each end at top edge and one end.
2. Staple 9 holders together at top edge to form a large circle. Staple both sides.
3. Run a double thread through the middle of each side, draw tight and tie off.
4. Place the flat side of each snowflake together and staple ends of each holder together.
5. Spray one side at a time with white paint and sprinkle with glitter before the paint dries.
6. Add clear fishing line for hanger.
You have just saved 18 plastic drink holders from being trown into the landfill or a lake for a fish or bird to swallow.
Sue L. (Originally Published 9/23/2002)
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
I need directions on how to make snowflakes from sixpack rings. They are stapled together to form a snowflake. Thanks
a. kahle
Here the link to the directions we posted in the past:
I need directions on how to make snowflakes out of soda can plastic rings---please I need your help.
One of our readers posted the directions last year. Here is the link:
Let us know how they turn out.
- Susan