
Making a Door Squeak?

July 10, 2005

Squeaky Door HingeI have a really big problem. I want to know how to CAUSE a door to squeak! I know it sounds crazy but trust me, it's for a really good cause at my home. Is there anyone out there that may have a suggestion? Please don't be mean to me; I have a really good reason for wanting a door that used to squeak to squeak once again.




By Camille (Guest Post)
July 11, 20052 found this helpful

Ha! My mind is going wild with the possible reasons for wanting a door to squeak :) Try using a strong degreaser on the hinge pins (409, Simple Green, oven cleaner), but be sure to protect any paint around the area. Then when you need a quiet door again, you can just zap the hinges with WD-40.

By sandy (Guest Post)
July 11, 20051 found this helpful

i would hope noone would be mean to you. the suggestion from camille sounds good.
if you cant get it to squeak again you can put jingle bells on the door knobs, both inside and out.
i can imagine what or whom you are trying to keep out. if this is for safety issues tho go to an adult you trust. ok. really.

By siris. (Guest Post)
July 12, 20052 found this helpful

Squirt baby powder on the hinge pins.

July 12, 20051 found this helpful

yes, it sounds like there might be something you are afraid to discuss....other than the "quiet" door. THAT is probably more important to get resolved than the actual door...but for tonight, maybe something "gritty" in the hinges would work?...the degreaser also sounds like a good idea. a LOCK! a chair under the door handle?


a wood shim...I don't know the issue so I don't know what else to suggest. If someone is hurting you, you need to get help though. If someone has caused the door to NOT squeak so they can harm you, altering their "handiwork" might cause more trouble for you if you don't get help.

July 12, 20051 found this helpful

When trying to keep track of an elderly person from walking out the door, we put a rubberised mat in front of the door, (with the rubber studs poking up) It slowed down the door by rubbing along the bottom of the door when the door was being opened, and also made a scraping sound. someone was able to get to them before they took a walk.

July 12, 20052 found this helpful

Goodness why all the fuss about this. I like my door to squeak so i can hear someone coming in or out my door. We live in the country and have a two year old grandson with me and my daughter. I feel safer knowing that i hear that squeak when it opens.


Hey hang a bell or shoe horn on the door too is a good idea when you have small children or elderly. Good luck and get that squeak going...

By suzi homemaker (Guest Post)
July 14, 20051 found this helpful

You can tie something around the doorknob like an old set of keys, a set of old silverware, or baby toys that rattle. I, too am concerned with you wanting a door that squeaks. I don't know your age, but please go to someone for help if you feel someone is hurting you or abusing you in ANY way. If you feel like family and friends will not help you, then go to a another adult-a teacher, counselor or any employee at a school, a policeman, a neighbor you can trust. Please do this. Don't wait another moment.

By TonyaG (Guest Post)
July 17, 20050 found this helpful

It doesn't really matter to me why you want your door to squeak although I must admit that it spikes my curiosity. LOL I would either go with degreasers like Camille suggested or possibly if you put Gold Bond Powder on it then the oil that is in there would get absorbed.


Are you trying to get the hinge part of the door to squeak or the wood part of the door itself? Just checking. Hope this might help.

By kassandra (Guest Post)
July 26, 20070 found this helpful

some oven cleaner would do the work. . . or try ammonia and blow dry the hinges try that several times, let me know if it works?

By (Guest Post)
January 30, 20090 found this helpful

I wonder if anyone in here is thinking about wanting to know if your child is sneaking out or their significant other is sneakin in at night instead of some intruder wanting to sneak in? Boric acid or oven cleaner should do the trick, but use the harshest one you can find. whatever you use, it needs to be corosive and/or abrasive. keep in mind that you should only use just a little bit of the boric acid to prevent extreme wear on the hinges, otherwise you run the risk of having to spend more money on replacement hinges, and you should completely remove the hinges and remove the pin to do this.

July 15, 20160 found this helpful

I like creaky doors because I live in a 170 year old house next to a cemetery. I like to add to the ambiance when I have guests over. Here's how. Using a large nail, and a hammer, remove the pins from your door. Wash them either with grease cutting soap or in the dishwasher.The idea is to remove all lubricant.


Poke them into the ground to make them a little dirty and then replace them. It also sometimes helps to loosed the actual hinge screws. If you are able to, replace any modern hinges with antique hinges. This takes some handy man skill.

October 24, 20160 found this helpful

I'm not questioning this subject at all! I can indirectly, instantly relate to wanting an "ordinary, non-descript noise" such as a squeaky door to make a heads-up noise. At work we had a mean-spirited group who put a target on the back of a kind-hearted person. The mean-spirited group oiled the squeaky doors so the mean-spirited group always had the upper-hand.

August 17, 20171 found this helpful

WD40 is a horrid lubricant. WD40 is a solvent and rust solvent. The solvent evaporates leaving a gummy residue. Use lighe machine oil. Lithium grease, or dry graphite to remove squeeks. Super clean the hinge and pin to encourage squeeks.


If hinge is removed after cleaning hammer taps on the hinge or a squeeze in a vice may tighten the hinge forcing metal on metal friction and noise.

May 9, 20180 found this helpful

I need mine to because i have theifs in my house i need to hear them walking in my room..i sleep hard..

July 27, 20181 found this helpful


September 2, 20181 found this helpful

Add a piece of Styrofoam between the hinge and the doorframe so that the hinge opens and rubs on the phone creating the noise

November 27, 20180 found this helpful

Use liquid hand sanitizer on the hinges. That will dry them out.

May 31, 20191 found this helpful

Thank you! I too need to create a creak.
I didn't know someone liked the noisy door when visiting & inadvertently "fixed" it for them.
Some like creaky doors. X

November 12, 20190 found this helpful

We have a brain damaged, demetia person living in this house. But why don't you keep your opinion to yourself. Oh and until you walk a mile in my shoes, keep your mouth shut!!

May 3, 20200 found this helpful

maybe they are trying to know when their kids are getting up in the middle of the night. It would help if there door was making a lot of noise

October 12, 20200 found this helpful

They could be doing this for Halloween.

October 19, 20200 found this helpful

Thanks for the help, am going to make our office door squeak again and will let you guys know what works for me. Our dumb painter said he would fix the squeak and I said DON'T - its our CHEAP DOORBELL ... but he painted over the hinges and now it does not squeak, but thanks to all your helpful hints, I hope to get it squeaking again, because I sit behind a panel in a cubicle and cannot see people entering. Wish me luck!

January 28, 20212 found this helpful

There maybe a partner, spouse, renter stealing from you or doing damage. very common in domestic abuse

January 19, 20220 found this helpful

My sister did this and I was livid! When you live alone, there are certain things you do for "protection" if that door is opened, no matter where I was in the house I was alerted and it was comforting. Another reason you might want a squeak is to secretly monitor children (eg: pantry door where snacks are kept!)

June 30, 20221 found this helpful

I'm in a similar situation. Someone greased a door that we deliberately want to squeak so we can hear when someone is coming or going. However, I can't use heavy chemical cleansers. Would vinegar or something else be able to restore the squeak?

September 1, 20221 found this helpful

A huge reason people like doors to squeak is so they hear if their kids make curfew, or if their kids are trying to sneak out :).

September 25, 20220 found this helpful

I didn't know the answers but. I have a door squeak that actually says words and nice things to me but not in 100% language. I have heard stuff like "I love you" and "thank you" I wanted to know too. I don't think it's strange to want a door making noise anyway. I like it.

September 25, 20220 found this helpful

I like it mainly because One says actual words in English but 40 or 45% language comes out and I've only heard nice words and sayings. So I do too enjoy it.

March 15, 20230 found this helpful

I love the ambience of a squeaky door. What you need is a way to get the hinges to squeak without causing wear. I would try to use violin rosin, powdered. See if you can remove and then powder, then reinstall the hingepins one at a time. It the door is an old one, it will probably have three hinges rather than the modern and cheaper two holding it up. If so, you will have two hinges to keep things in place while you carefully take one out for its powdering. If there are two hinges, put something under the door with it half open to hold it up. I have not done this, but if I was trying to make hinges sing, I would try this

August 6, 20230 found this helpful

I re-installed the creak as well. It was a great subtle way for us to here the door with a beginning stage Alzheimer's member of our household without calling attention to there being an alarm on their door.

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