When I'm in the back part of my apartment I can't hear the door bell. I've had it looked at, but there is no way to increase the volume. Is there anything I can do to make it louder?
By sassy
I had the same problem. Found a device at Lowe's that come in 2 pieces. One sits on top of the inside box for the doorbell, and the other plugins in the room you can't hear in. when the doorbell is rung,you get a very lovely and loud chime in the back room. it cost less than $20 Hope this helps. It has been a lifesaver for me. I wear hearing aids and when I am bathing or have them out. I cant hear the bell in my bedroom. T.J.
I'm not familiar with the device the other person mentioned that you can buy at Lowes, but I would suggest getting a baby monitor. You can put the base in the same room as the doorbell, and then either carry or place the receiver in the room where you are at.
Thank you - we got new doorbells in our condo and I never hear - it's like a cell phone ring! What perfect idea! baby monitor! I've looking for amplifiers and I'm happy to have hit on this. Gonna buy an inexpensive one to put in my den where I never hear the door!
thanks again :D
What is it called?
What is the device called that makes a doorbell sound louder
I think it is called a "doorbell chime extender."
Have someone listen to your doorbell from a distant location. Then, take the cover off your doorbell assembly and determine if that person can hear it better. If that does not improve the sound, try some of the other solutions.