Hang this sweet angel on your fridge. Make her using your favorite fabrics.

Approximate Time: 20 minutes
- 1 lightweight face cloth
- thin and fancy ribbon
- wire edged ribbon, 1-2 inch wide
- 2 small elastics
- 2 pieces fabric cut to fit each edge of cloth
- 1 flower
- heavy duty magnet disc
- hot glue

- Choose a fabric you like that matches the color face cloth you are using. Cut 2 pieces so they can be sewn over opposite edges of face cloth.
- Fold the fabric over the end of the face cloth and stitch in place. Repeat on opposite side.

- Fold like an accordion with the fabric edges out. Fold over the cloth and secure a head shape using an elastic leaving about 2 inches for the head. Take a piece of fancy ribbon and tie a bow around her neck covering the elastic.

- Secure another elastic around her waist about 2 inches down from the neck. Take 2 pieces of thin ribbon and tie around the waist over the elastic. Let the ends hang down. Hot glue a flower at her waist.

- Shape the wire edged ribbon into a bow resembling wings (see pic). Hot glue to her back then hot glue a magnet to the wings. You may need to attach a second magnet further down her dress if she is too heavy.

Hang on fridge.
If giving as a gift you can attach a small card with a piece of matching ribbon that reads:
"An Angel in the kitchen
Watching over the stew
Blesses your cooking
And all that you do"
By Myst from Muncie, IN