
Making a Lego Table

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 899 Posts
July 22, 2013

Legos on tableOur kids love to build with LEGOs. We wanted to give them a place to build and display their creations so we made these awesome tables! You can build this table for under $30, using a table you can get at IKEA.



  • 1 Ikea LACK table (or similar table) ($7.99)
  • 4 10" x 10" LEGO baseplates ($20.00)
  • E6000 glue (available at craft stores) ($2.50)
  • T-square
  • tape measure
  • pencil or marker


  1. Determine the the width of the border around the baseplates. In our case there was a 13/16" border all the way around. Measure to find the center of the table and mark in both directions.
  2. finding center
    mark center
  3. Apply glue to the back of the baseplate and to the quadrant of the table where it will be glued down. Wait 2 minutes. NOTE: For best results, you should rough up the table's surface. We did not do this on our table because of the finish.
  4. glue on baseplate
    glue on table
  5. Now place the t-square along the line you drew and adhere the baseplate to the table.
  6. press firmly

  7. Repeat with the second baseplate.
  8. adhere second baseplate
  9. Adhere the third baseplate, using the t-square to help align the edge.
  10. adhere third baseplate
  11. Finally, adhere the fourth baseplate.
  12. adhere fourth baseplate
  13. Allow the glue to cure for 24-72 hours before using the table.
  14. finished table
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August 1, 2013

Our kids love to build with LEGOs.


3 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
May 13, 2012

I am wanting to make a Lego table for older kids (not preschoolers). Ideally I am thinking of using a table with a drawer in it, and gluing the Lego base plates too it. But, I am open to suggestions. Has anyone made one? How did it turn out? Any suggestions or regrets?

By mom-from-missouri from NW, MO


May 14, 20120 found this helpful

I have never made one, and never could afford a 'real' Lego table for the boys, wishing I had thought of making one!
It would be great if you could find an old end table with either a drawer or an under cabinet, or both, paint in Lego colors, and then glue the bases down (or use velcro attachement, in case you want to remove them later).


I think it would come out great!
Best of luck to you!

May 15, 20120 found this helpful

My son and daughter in law made my granddaughter a lego table for Christmas and it's very, very nice. They took two of the plastic tote drawers and purchased the two or three lego squares (don't remember exactly how many they did use, and the attached the lego squares to a piece of plywood, and cut it the width of the drawers, and just placed it on top of them. A chair sets easily between the two and the drawers have the small baskets in them to keep the legos sorted by sizes, colors etc. They got the idea from It was very easy to make and looks great in Chloe's room.

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