Gift bags start at only $1, but they could be more depending on the size, print/pattern, or character. However it's sometimes not worth going out to buy just a gift bag because that's time and gas plus it's a generic bag.
Here's my "go to" gift bag that I make if the gift item fits in a bag I have on hand and it's very easy, quick, and only cost me a few pennies!
I have never really had to buy gift bags because I just recycle bags I get from shopping bags, grocery stores (brown bags), or make my own gift bags with boxes.
The main item you'll need for this project:
- Round paper doilies in 3 assorted sizes, 32-ct at Dollar Tree for $1! For this gift bag I made, I needed 2 paper doilies, one for each side, so that only cost me 6 cents! Now you're left with 30 more paper doilies for future gift bags or craft projects.
Total Time: 15 minutes