Sunflowers are so beautiful and are a popular fall decoration. I like to incorporate at least one sunflower craft into the classroom. This wall decor piece takes a couple days to complete, but it's perfect for this time of year. The students really seem to enjoy it.
Total Time: 2 classroom art sessions; approximately 1 hour to put together total and overnight for the bowl to dry after painting and gluing the seeds
Yield: 1+ sunflowers
- 4 sheets of yellow construction paper
- 1/2 sheet card stock, any color
- 1 pencil
- scissors
- stapler
- 1 small paper bowl
- brown poster paint
- 1 medium to large paint brush
- sunflower seeds (optional)
- Elmer's glue

- Paint the outside of the paper bowl brown. Allow to dry. Mine took several hours. You can complete a few other steps while waiting.

- Draw a sunflower petal onto the card stock and cut it out. Use it to trace 10-11 more petals onto the yellow construction paper. Cut them all out.
- Staple all of the petals around the outside rim of the bowl. Only use one staple per petal so you can adjust them later.
- Optional: Apply Elmer's school glue on the brown bowl. Add sunflower seeds and allow to dry. You can also use hot glue.

- Hang your sunflower! It helps to hammer a hole, punch the nail through the rim of the bowl, and then stick the nail back into the hole. Adjust you petals to make your sunflower look more full.