This craft is a decorative pillow made with a left over fabric remnant and utilizes a roll of paper towels. Yarn tied on both ends holds the pillow together. The pillow is especially cute when done with a country design and will fit with any decor. Daisy May chose to help highlight the beginning photos ;)
Total Time: 20 minutes with a cat helping. Ten minutes alone, with no cat helping.
Yield: One Pillow

- favorite brand of paper towels, one roll ($2.00)
- remnant fabric longer than the roll of paper towels is long, and enough to wrap around the roll of paper towels ($1.00)
- yarn, a color that compliments the fabric shade and enough to double-tie a bow on both ends of the pillow. ($1.00)
- 1 scissors to take the plastic off of the paper towel roll and cut the yarn ($1.00)

- Remove plastic from paper towel roll.
- Lay fabric out. Fold under 1/2 inch on one side of fabric.

- Lay paper towel roll in middle of fabric.

- Bring fabric around paper towel roll.

- Hold fabric in place and bring up the other side of the fabric around the paper towel roll.

- Temporarily tie the fabric around the middle with a piece of yarn.
- Gather fabric together at one end, and tie a yarn knot or double bow to hold it together.

- Do the same for the other side.

- Cut the ends to about five inches, or however long you like them.

- Remove the temporary yarn around the middle of the pillow.
- Trim the yarn at each end.

- Put the decorative pillow somewhere where it can be seen. I actually use mine when watching TV.