Simple stuff, but really helpful! I just cut out a portion of a plastic quart sized milk carton and leave a longer 'tongue' at the end. That way I can pinch it into a point to direct my cat food that I pour. It's great in a bag of litter or even for rock salt/cinders to sprinkle for winter!
My daughter saves hers and everyone else's bottles for that reason, only she threads the handles onto old wire coat hangers and hangs them of the beach walk openings. We live on a lovely stretch of the Capricorn Coast in Queensland, and unfortunately some folk don't bother to bring a pooper-scooper with them when walking the dog. It has been a pleasant surprise to see them being used, and often returned washed, to the hook. Rubbish bins are plentiful and even throwing the 'logs' into the planted sand dunes is okay, as they are off limits to walkers to keep the dunes from washing away in big tides. So good for dog and cat food and also the end product!