
Making a Sugar Glider Bag?

March 12, 2009

A sugar glider on a wood branch.Does anyone know how to make a sugar glider bag?

Jimmie from Linwood, NC



March 13, 20090 found this helpful

Need more info
But.... I used to own sugar gliders and if your looking for a snuggly type home for the little stinkers, here's what I did. It worked well as it was disposable when it became too fragrant.
I used a heavy mens sock, cut to a certain length, (would depend on how many gliders to a nest, as one sock was good for only two gliders). Take a "Ball" jar ring to make the top stay open. Just fold it into the opening and secure with a basic sewing stitch. You should have something that looks like a basketball hoop.

Secure it to the cage with good heavy wire wrapped around the ring part. This worked great, cuz I could still out them from the nest when it was time to handle them, and again, just remove the ring and start over when it is time too replace it. I suppose a stocking hat and embroidering hoop might work too, and would be bigger, and easier for the gliders to enter.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
March 13, 20090 found this helpful

I just made 5 of them for about $3.50 each. I need to be able to always have fresh ones because I don't want to put the little things in a soiled bag. My only problem was finding the mesh type fabric. I ended up going to a dollar store and buying cheap cosmetic pouches and cannibalizing the mesh on the inside of them. I made mine based on the one I bought. Do you have one now? I can try to write up my directions for you and get back to you.


One of mine seems to be the devil's own spawn and I am having a terrible time breaking him of biting. The female I have is a total angel. Did you just get them? I'd love to hear back from you!

March 14, 20090 found this helpful

If you are talking about to put in the cage for them to sleep in, I use a pot holder, the kind that you slip your hand in. I tie it with a wire to the top of the cage and when I take them out of the cage I just take the bag and all. I replace it with a clean one weekly and wash the dirty one. They love it! As far as a bonding bag, I use small cloth purses that I get at thrift stores. I make sure they have a long enough strap that I can wear it over my shoulder and of course zipper closure. I lucked up on some that I found that were to wear under your clothes.


Good luck!

March 14, 20090 found this helpful

What in Heaven's name is a sugar glider and what do you have them for? (sounds like some sort of critter, very interesting). Learn something new every day!

Editor's Note: Wikipedia says "A sugar glider is a small marsupial originally native to eastern and northern mainland Australia, New Guinea, and the Bismarck Archipelago, and introduced to Tasmania. Introduced into the United States approximately 20 years ago as domesticated housepets, "


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 124 Feedbacks
March 15, 20090 found this helpful

I just googled 'sugar glider' and they had pictures. These little critters are so cute! Although I don't think my cat would agree.

March 15, 20090 found this helpful

This is for Lynn. I do not have a sugar glider, but my best-friend does. I wanted something to make for her and the glider. She only has one. She wanted another, but the parents only had one. Do you have your boy and girl together? I mean in the same cage. My friend said that they heard if they are together that they will bond with eachother and not have much to do with you.


Maybe that is why the boy bites. They are adorable, but they stink... Still cute though. They eat weird stuff, too. There are alot of things to learn about them. For everyone else who responded Thanks Alot for the good ideas.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
March 16, 20090 found this helpful

Hey, it's Lynn. If they stink, it's their diet which I am told is easily remedied. It shouldn't matter how many you have, they should bond with everybody in the family, including other pets. I'm just thinking that he had a bad experience being neutered! We are making progress, slow though it may be.


We were also told that because they aren't rodents, they don't "smell" like food to our carnivorous pets. Although they may be fascinated by the movement of a small creature.

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