Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts June 20, 20180 found this helpful
Once your husband joined your household, your income may be too high. Make an appointment with Medical.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks June 20, 20180 found this helpful
Marriage is a "life status change" which is insurance talk for it can affect your benefits. It is really important to act quickly as most entities have time limits about when changes can be made to insurance AFTER the wedding.
You don't say if you get your insurance through an employer or the government (like Medical Assistance/Medicaid).
If it is through an employer contact the employer's Human Resources department ASAP and ask for their protocols.
If it is through the government, contact your case worker ASAP and ask for their protocols.
If you are currently on a government program and your new husband has insurance you MAY be eligible to enroll on his plan NOW because of this life status change. In that case you need him to contact his employer's Human Resources.
It is critical to do this quickly as some states/employers have time frames associated with when your qualification ends after the marriage and this could cause you to have a delay in getting coverage or G-d forbid, leave you without coverage.
Good luck!!

June 24, 20180 found this helpful
I assume you are asking about Medi-Cal? Medi-Cal is only available in California and is, in most instances, the same as Medicaid in all other states.
- Medi-Cal is a medical program that is administered only by the state of California. It is not an insurance policy but a government health program for low-income families.
- You do not say if there are children involved or if you are on other government programs but all of these assistance programs have the same qualifications and when a person signs up they agree to notify all agencies of any "life status changes" within so many days the change took affect. That time to notify is many times within 10 days but some give 30 days.
- I believe your time to notify these agencies should have been when you got married, not when living changes occurred.
- If, after you notify the agencies of this change you no longer qualify for these benefits, some agencies will hold a person responsible for any monies paid out between the time they should have been notified and the actual date they were notified.
- This is a very serious matter and should be taken care of as soon as possible so, hopefully, there will be no problems that cannot be satisfied quickly.
- Be sure you are completely honest about everything, especially dates of any changes, as government agencies have immediate access to almost any record of events within their state.
- You should have a copy of your marriage certificate as this will most like be required. You will also need your husbands social security number, his place of employment and some information on his monthly/annual earnings.
- You need to go to the same offices that you first applied and you should go as soon as possible even if you do not have all of the necessary papers/information.
- If there are children, it is entirely possible that you may still qualify for Medi-Cal and for any other benefits you now receive.
- If you are currently on the government food stamp program you should so there quickly so hopefully you will not have to repay any benefits you received during the period from your marriage until now.
- Here is some information from Medi-Cal that may help you understand their qualifications but, no matter, you should report these changes as soon as you can.
- www.dhcs.ca.gov/.../default.aspx
- www.dhcs.ca.gov/.../DoYouQualifyForMedi-Cal.aspx