I have a Maytag Maxima MHW6000XW and it is giving a code of F06 and E02. What does this mean?
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You can do a Google Search and type in the search bar Maytag Maxima F06 and E02 code error
You will come across some weblink:
You can also call the manufacture for assistance.
Either the hot water solenoid went out or there is an issue with the hot water control.
This sounds like it may be a serious problem so I would suggest you either call a repair service to help you figure out how to repair and what parts you will need.
Here's my two cents worth learned the hard way of being penny wise and pound foolish.
With washers and dryers, call in the pros. It is worth it! Unless you are truly a handy person, then don't monkey with these things...I really think they are designed so we (meaning not their people) can't fix them.
When I tried the DIY method I always (and I mean always) made things worse and ended up having a bigger bill than if I would have called an expert in the first place.
If you are handy and want to give it a go, my suggestion is to call their customer services and run it all by them first this way you are getting the info from the horse's mouth (so to speak). A link to them is below:
Good luck!!
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