I don't usually buy straw wreath forms, but I wanted something cheap and big. This will have to be seen from my parking lot so it had to be big.
This was time intensive, but the results were very satisfying. I got one hat off just a bit, but I am still pretty pleased.
Total Time: 3 hours at least
Yield: 1
Sandi, you have outdone yourself!
Time intensive, but the result is well worth it.. This looks like a good project for some ladies I know.
Thanks. I know everyone will enjoy seeing such a fresh Spring greeting.
Thanks Betty! I hope your ladies have fun!!
I will let you know. We have already completed one or two of your projects. They like thing that can be done in parts and completed together.
Be sure to post them, Betty. If not as a new tip then in the feedback here. We'd all love to see different examples of the main idea. :)