With some mirror pieces, skewers, glue, and gems you can make this homage to the 70s decor.
Total Time: 2 hours
Yield: 1
Source: I have seen these on line but I went a little further.
- 1 lightweight round plastic mirror 7" ($.79)
- 1 glue gun
- 24 skewers 10" ($.49)
- 1 felt marker
- 1 silver thread and G hook
- 75 tiny mirrored tiles ($1.00)
- 12 faux gems ($.10)
- scissors
- wire cutter

- With your mirror up side down, find the center and mark with a dairy tub lid and glue it on for support. This will also help you to make sure your skewers all stick out the same length. You can also use a piece of thick cardboard, foam board, or something to give the mirror some support.
- Marking 12-3-6-9 (like a clock) on the back with a marker, make a mark between them. Then, two between them for 24 marks.

- Glue each skewer to the mark. When done, glue a line around the plastic lid onto the mirror back thus securing the skewers down really well.

- When your skewers are secure and the glue has cooled, turn your work over. Begin gluing your mini mirror squares point to point. I put 3 on each. You can use round ones, too. I put a lid beneath them so I could support them and press down while the glue is cooling.
- When you have the gems you want picked out, you will need 24 and put one on the mirror per skewer. Or you will need 12 to put one every other, or 8 and put one every 3rd, but I wouldn't go below that or it's kind of like "what's the point". My gems were from the last of 12 gem studded shower curtain rings I have used over the last 9 months. I then put a round mirror, with a smaller on top of it and finally an even smaller one in the center. Finally I crocheted an 8" chain with silver and gray crochet thread and glued it to the mirror back. N-JOY!!

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts April 21, 20170 found this helpful
Sandi, I love it!

April 25, 20170 found this helpful
I am glad. It cheers me up whenever I go in my bathroom now.

April 25, 20170 found this helpful
Sandi - this is so neat! Nice job.

April 25, 20170 found this helpful
Thanks Betty. Is this one your group could do? Perhaps hang it in your meeting room? I hope it inspires them again. PBP
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