I have 4 finches, 2 females 2 males. The two that use the right side nest have been laying eggs. The two that have the left nest have been putting some of the fresh food snacks in their prepared nest. Last night I decided since I haven't seen eggs in the left one I would pull out the food. When I pulled it out, nesting material came out also so I left that for them to reuse. This morning I found an egg in the middle of the cage. I wasn't sure what to do so I put it in the nest of the other couple's nest. Did I mess things up?
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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts September 29, 20171 found this helpful
Best Answer
Moving a finch egg.
- It is a myth that if a human touches an egg mama will not look after it.
- You probably did a good thing moving it out of harms way.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts September 29, 20170 found this helpful
I dont think so. Mother Nature has a way of taking care of things. That egg may have been unfertilized. There is no harm done moving it into a nest. Either it will hatch or not.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts September 29, 20170 found this helpful
It is totally fine and not something to worry about. Let us know how they go!

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts September 29, 20170 found this helpful
I think you were right to move the egg to the nest. However, you are not sure which set of birds laid this egg.
- Keep an eye on the second set of birds and see if they are still hiding food in the nest you put the egg.
- If they are not interested in the nest and you don't see anymore eggs in the nest you will need to build an incubator for this egg if you want it to hatch.
- Building the incubator can be very simple and not cost more than a few dollars.
- Follow these great instructions if you want to build an incubator and try hatching this egg on your own.
- www.instructables.com/.../
- I would try to build this and hatch the egg if this is the only egg in the nest. Normally the mother won't sit on the eggs until all of them are laid. This can be 3 to 4 eggs.
- You should have a day or two, maybe three to see if the egg is being taken care of or not. If not, try building the incubator and hatching the egg. This could be a lot of fun for you.

October 8, 20170 found this helpful
I hope your finches are taking care of their eggs and you will have new babies soon.
- Finches are small but very strong in the survival area so I wish you a lot of success with your bird families.
- I was thinking that you may have moved the nesting material in the left side nest too soon as they may have just gotten started on laying eggs.
- Hope everything turned out good with all your birds and that you continue to enjoy these little ones.
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