My 10 year old dog had a miscarriage. Last night she took 5 of my grandson's stuff toys and is keeping them under her. She has never touched the stuff toys before.
It's so sad to watch her care for these toys. What should I do? Should I let her keep them or take them away?
15mhhm15 Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
September 8, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
I don't see any harm also.
Another similar story, of a dog having stillborn pups. Owners bought the dog stuff animals to be comforted.
If the stuffed animal is safe for your grandson, it is safe for your dog. I normally buy stuffed animals for my dogs to play with. However, you might like to consider this:
The age of your dog. You indicated she is now 10 years old. She is rather old to be having puppies now. This is probably the reason she had a miscarriage.
For the health and safety of your dog, I would take her to the vet. Find out if she is fine after her miscarriage. Make sure there is no health risk after this event.
To prevent this from happening in the future, I would suggest talking with your vet to have her fixed. My friend raises dogs. Normally she will only allow her females to have three litters of puppies. Each litter is one year apart. She lets two heats pass before she mates them again. After the third litter of puppies, she has her dogs fixed.
I believe with your dog's age, there were complications that caused her to have a miscarriage. I would really consider having her fixed so this doesn't happen again. You should have a few months before her next heat.