My two year old desexed female Staffy has recently started peeing and pooing in the house again. She is (was!) fully house trained and has access to the garden 24/7. Nothing about her feeding times, exercise, living arrangements, etc. has changed, and she recently got a clean bill of health from the vet. She keeps going in the same place in the house, and I have cleaned the space with that solution that is supposed to put them off peeing there.
I never catch her in the act because she goes in a corridor that can't be seen from the main living areas of the house, so I don't know how to dissuade her from going there. This is making my family hate my dog. Help!
By Jess T
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Walk her a couple of times a day. Make sure you cover a few blocks each time, and take a different route the first walk than you do the second.
In other words, let her scent-mark the entire neighborhood. I'll bet another dog, an intact one, moved into your neighborhood. Unfortunately, dogs can smell another dog from a few miles away, and this may be making her scent-mark.
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