
My House Trained Dog is Regressing?

My two year old desexed female Staffy has recently started peeing and pooing in the house again. She is (was!) fully house trained and has access to the garden 24/7. Nothing about her feeding times, exercise, living arrangements, etc. has changed, and she recently got a clean bill of health from the vet. She keeps going in the same place in the house, and I have cleaned the space with that solution that is supposed to put them off peeing there.


I never catch her in the act because she goes in a corridor that can't be seen from the main living areas of the house, so I don't know how to dissuade her from going there. This is making my family hate my dog. Help!

By Jess T

Staffy outside

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November 25, 20140 found this helpful

Walk her a couple of times a day. Make sure you cover a few blocks each time, and take a different route the first walk than you do the second.
In other words, let her scent-mark the entire neighborhood. I'll bet another dog, an intact one, moved into your neighborhood. Unfortunately, dogs can smell another dog from a few miles away, and this may be making her scent-mark.


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