I am transitioning/re-branding my general private investigation business to focus on investigations and related services which protect the aging population from fraud, abuse, and neglect. Whew! Any ideas of some clever names that aren't too long and where people can tell what business it is from the name?
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October 4, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
There are probably only a few variations that you can use if being very descriptive.
- I would recommend that you list all of the suggestions and then sort out the words that you feel best describe you and your services.
- If this is also going to be your name on a web page you may have to think about how to shorten it as long names are not usually very good for the Internet.
- Quality Investigative Services for Seniors
- Investigation Services for Seniors
- Investigation & Protective Services for Seniors
- Professional Senior Investigative Services
- Guardian Investigative Services for Seniors
- Unlimited Investigation Services for Seniors
Sounds like something that may be needed right now so I wish you good luck with this change.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts October 1, 20170 found this helpful
You could try a few of these. Mix and match or change them around.
- Senior Protection Investigations
- Eye On Senior Investigation
- Quality investigation for Seniors
- Protecting Senions Investigation Services
- Stop Senior Fraud Investigation Serivces

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts October 2, 20170 found this helpful
- Golden Age Protection
- The Life Saver
- New Century Protection
- Secured Seniors
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