What is the name of the song and artist in movie Christmas Dance with Andrew McCarthy when Jack and Demi are at the club. It starts out like this, "I don't care, I dont care.., I wake up in the morning...
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Dont Wanna Wake Up by the Score
i want to say this movie is actually called Come Dance With Me and for $10 you can rewatch it on youtube and see where this Club scene is, which I can't find anywhere www.youtube.com/
I hate to disagree with the habitually so studious and meticulous Judy but i vote that it is this song though i have no way to affirm this since I could not find the scene or the song genius.com/
Justin Stone - Dont Care
I adore Hallmark Movies--and my goal some day is to write one! Has been on my bucket list since I started watching them!
So both movie titles are correct--scroll down pretty far on Andrew's wiki and you can see the movie goes by both titles (not sure why they do that):
Here is a summary with each title so they do appear to be one and the same:
There are only 2 songs credited for the movie (per links):
They are:
Here is a link to the Waltz:
I am pulling my hair out because I can't remember the scene you are talking about...but hope the info I can offer is helpful!
It will be Christmas Movie Season soon!!! I have the tissues stocked up already :)
Wrong song at that sute
You all gave me a challenge this morning. The movie is definitely called "Come Dance With Me" but it is often also called Christmas Dance. Maybe they changed the name at some point?
I was able to find the video in two parts for free:
I found the club scene (toward the beginning of the first video and I cannot place the song. I tried Soundhound and Shazam and googled the lyrics I could understand but there are just too many songs with "I don't care" and "wake up in the morning". If you can understand anymore, this was a helpful site for tracking down songs via lyrics, although there are others.
It's definitely not either of the two songs that have been suggested, although I believe the song is probably called "I Don't Care" because it is repeated so often.
Good luck with your search. Worst case scenario, check out the end credits but Hallmark squishes them and runs them so fast on TV, it could be tricky too.
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