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Our Cheeto is scratching all the time. He even has sores where he scratches. Please does any one know of a natural way to control fleas?
Thanks and May God Bless.
Tamara from TX
I have 2 Chihuahuas and I have used Avon Skin So Soft. Just put a little in your hands and gently rub all over the dogs. It is safe for them. I also a mixture of vinegar and water, this works good, too. Use 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water mixture in a small spray bottle. They won't like it, but will get used to it; when it's time to go out and potty just give them a lil squirt. It won't smell too good, but the smells wears off fairly quickly. Hope this helps. (09/05/2007)
By Jean
I have posted this for many times on various sites:
1 tsp. white vinegar to 1 qt. water into drinking water. Once you start this, you have to keep it up, but it works. I don't know who posted this originally (so I can't give her the credit she so richly deserves), but it works. In our house, it doesn't bother our one remaining dog at all. Our other dogs never minded it. Our cats don't like it, but they have no choice.
No fleas in our house for the past 3-4 years. Try it. I think you'll like it, and it's cheap and good for the environment.
By Laine
I understand you can use used coffee grounds sprinkled through out the yardt. I is very helpful. (09/05/2007)
By Julia
Try adding brewers yeast to their food. Apparently after a short time of doing this, they begin to smell bad to fleas and they won't go on them. My cat always loved it and it works very well, but again it is something that must be done daily all through flea season. (09/05/2007)
By Mary Lou
If your dog has sores on his body, please take him to the vet. His constant scratching could lead to infections. (09/05/2007)
By Terri
Put a couple of drops of Dawn dish soap into a large spray bottle of water. Spray this everywhere, just not where someone could slip and hurt themselves, including using it to wash dear little Cheeto. It won't hurt him. Dawn is the stuff used to rescue animals from oil slicks. If your sprayer has a pinpoint or needle spray, spray it along your baseboards. Mop your non wood floors with it. It kills fleas. Exterminators use it, too.
By Linne
I also have a Chihuahua and a cat. They have not had fleas in three years. I use this stuff that the mailman gave me. Now he orders it for me. He has six dogs. There is a small and large bottle, it's called Cooper's Flea and Tick Mist. I guess you would have to ask your vet to order it for you. Here's a phone # 816 413-1444 (09/06/2007)
By phyllissanjua
I want to thank you all for the replies to my question.
I will try them.
Cheeto's sores are better, the vet told us to put Neosporin on them, and they are almost gone, thank you for your concern.
God Bless all.
By tamsy
I've been there and done that. There really is no way to control fleas "naturally". You really have to treat the house, the dog, and the yard all on the same day. It's harsh, but it works.
If you want to you could change the dogs diet to a more natural one. It shouldn't be that difficult since it seems like you only have one. I have 4 large dogs and have lived in Mobile, AL. You can imagine the flea infestations in the summer, but they were never affected. I feed them home cooked foods, like boiled chicken, bones removed, with rice and the broth from the boiled chicken. It's the harsh chemicals in the dog food expensive or cheap that attract fleas.
If you are open minded go to some of the natural or raw diet web sites just Google raw diet for dogs or natural diet for dogs.
Unfortunately he sounds like he's allergic to flea bites, but trust me there is nothing natural to kill flea infestation in your house or grass. If you can have it done professionally or set of bombs in your house and leave for a 12 hour period and come back and air out the house. But the pro's should only charge $50 - 100.00 to do your yard and house, then take the dog to the vet for a good dip. Please don't let your dog suffer any longer. (09/06/2007)
By Rose
I live in TX also, and have for 11 years and never had a problem with my four dogs until this summer. It was a nightmare. We had to treat the yard, the dogs, the house, and now they are on Advantix from the vet. It's worth every penny. They make it for very small dogs too. This is Texas. The other stuff just doesn't work. (09/09/2007)
By suzi_homemaker01
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