Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts October 2, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
Beauty shops have to guarantee their work.
- Your hair was only permed 3 days ago and this wouldn't be a good idea to have it permed again so soon.
- This can damage your hair or it can make your hair very brittle and break.
- Since you followed the directions given to you by the shop and waited the 3 days they will need to refund your money.
- I wouldn't allow them to perm my hair again. The chemicals are very strong and it isn't a good idea to perm your hair again so soon.
- Let the perm grow out some, go to another shop, have them trim the dry, dead ends and get a new perm.
- Explain to them what happened at the last shop and see if this shop can do a better job and give you the curls you want in your hair.

October 3, 20171 found this helpful
Best Answer
A bad hair experience is no fun and you paid your money, explained what you wanted and since this did not happen, you are entitled to some sort of recourse/remedy. You will have to decide if you really want a redo at this shop or if you want a hassle when requesting a refund.
- Have you used this shop/hairdresser in the past? Or is this a new shop to you? I'm only asking this because if you have used this shop before then they should have some record of what solution was used before and maybe the condition of your hair.
- It is true that hair salons should guarantee their work but that does not mean they will not give you a hassle if you ask for a refund.
- Do you remember if there was a sign about their policy posted in the shop or if there is any type of statement on your receipt? If there is something posted, then I believe you may have to follow that policy (unless you sue/small claims court).
- What was the condition of your hair before the perm?
- Did the hairdresser make any remarks about the condition of your hair or question that you may not be able to get a "curly" perm?
- Whatever remedy you decide on just be prepared to fend off any remarks/questions of this type.
- Many hairdressers say that if your hair is in good condition then it may be safe to get a redo in 2-4 weeks but recommend an 8-12 week wait just to be safe.
- There is definitely a risk of damage to your hair from having the perm reapplied so soon to your hair after the first treatment.
This is not something that I am familiar with but researching your problem it appears there is not a lot of success in getting a refund in this situation so be sure you know what you want to do before going back.
I would definitely recommend that you return to the solon/shop and discuss this with them as soon as possible. I do not recommend calling them as this just gives them a head start on preparing an answer before you arrive.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts October 2, 20171 found this helpful
Of course you can! They didn't do it right and you deserve what you paid for, curly hair. I'd go back ASAP.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts October 3, 20170 found this helpful
No curls in a perm.
- Most places will want you satisfied so yes definitely go back and have a redo.
- Be careful perms are hard on your hair and dry it out.
- The solution could of been old or defective.
- Make sure she checks the date on the new solution before you get another perm.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts October 5, 20170 found this helpful
Yes, you definitely should go back and get a refund or re/do. (Option is yours)!

October 10, 20170 found this helpful
Yes you should certainly let the stylist know there is a problem and the perm did not take. She will want to do what she can to make this right because she wants you to be happy with her work and she wants to keep you as a customer. I am going to ask a question but please dont be offended because I have no way of knowing your age or anything about your really but in my own personal experience the only time I ever had a perm that absolutely would not take or like you said just barely made it wavy was when I was pregnant.
Sometimes pregnancy hormones and the chemicals in a perm dont react well together and the chemical reaction that is needed doesn't happen causing your hair not to take or hold the curls. So if your not or could not be pregnant there is no reason the perm should not take your stylist will more than likely redo it or offer your money back, but definitely let her know what happened.