Our non profit charity is doing a Christmas float for the local parades. We have our trailer and floor area already built. We are pulling it with an old FarmAll tractor, newly painted. I wanted to do something along the lines of an old fashioned Christmas, with a farmer (we are in a rural area) driving the tractor and a freshly cut Christmas tree on the back, children, pets riding, etc. What other details and decorations can we add that will emphasize basic family values, and Christmas joy, togetherness, etc. Any ideas?
How about a Christmas Carol themed Christmas from Charles Dickens. Or Little House on the Prarie theme.
How about having the float and the riders look like a family visit to the woods to find the right Christmas tree to cut?
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Do you have any ideas on how to create a float with an "Old-fashioned Christmas" theme?
By Beth from Roopville, GA
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I need ideas for a "Old Fashioned Christmas" float theme. Any suggestions?