
Oreck Cordless Iron Reviews?

April 21, 2008

Oreck Cordless Speed IronHas anyone purchased a cordless clothes iron recently? My ancient cordless Westbend has been repaired several times but is on it's last legs, I'm afraid. I'm considering the Oreck or the Panasonic cordless brands. The Panasonic is a little less pricey than the Oreck and has good reviews; but I couldn't find any reviews at all on the Oreck. Any opinions on them (or on any other cordless irons) out there?


Lynn from Chico, CA


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
April 21, 20080 found this helpful

Unfortunately I can't help you with your Oreck, but I can tell you that I bought my Black & Decker iron used at a thrift shop about 3 years back & I use it all the time especially when I sew. But let me tell you that Black & Decker iron keeps on working like a charm & you'd think it was brand new. I'd definitely recommend one! But then again, it isn't cordless either.

By Rita (Guest Post)
April 22, 20080 found this helpful

I wouldn't use any other iron but my Oreck cordless. I just bought another one after eight years. I highly recommend you use one. It is pricey but worth the money.

By Frances (Guest Post)
April 22, 20080 found this helpful

Go to an antique store and buy a flat-iron with a removable handle. Heat on stove. Just kidding! But I do know how to use one as that's all we had until we got electricity many years ago.


I do have an Oreck. I use it with the cord if I have a big ironing to do but it is rather unwieldy as the cord hangs on the stand. Using without the cord, it works great.

By Barb R (Guest Post)
September 20, 20080 found this helpful

I have an Oreck Cordless Iron and liked it for about 2 months, now I bought a Panasonic Cordless and like it better. Barb

By Susie (Guest Post)
December 14, 20080 found this helpful

I was excited when I finally got my Oreck cordless iron. I was "free" to be awey from the wall. Unfortunatly, freedom comes at a price. I have to constantly take it back to the charger to "charge it back up". If you are just ironing 1 item it's great. But any more than 1 or 2 shirts or something large, such as a table cloth, then it's just annoying. There isn't enough juice to get the steam flowing, and it cools down pretty quickly. Hate to say it, but, I want my old corded iron back.

By Kat (Guest Post)
March 1, 20090 found this helpful

Don't buy it. I have had mine for about a year and a half, but I actually don't iron that much. A couple of days ago in the middle of ironing a shirt, it just started to get cooler (using it corded). I tried several things to attempt to get it working again...but nothing.


The light was on, but it wasn't generating any heat. I could put my hands directly on the plates! I got mine as a gift and would never recommend actually buying it. When it works, it's okay, but it's obviously unreliable.

August 10, 20100 found this helpful

The Oreck iron sucks rocks. Don't get it. If you have this piece of junk, you basically have no iron. It doesn't work. It's way complicated. Comes with no instructions. Stay. Away.

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