I have a huge dilemma. I own a bunch of sunglasses and I also, have 4 wonderful, yet curious children. Two of them are under 4 yrs of age. I need an idea on how to make something I can hang up to store my glasses; and yet were I'll be still be able to get to them myself?
I had a string hung once with them hanging by 1 leg folded over, but they just got scratched and weren't pleasant to the eye. Can anyone help?
By marina cole from Bakersfield, CA
Do you have the protective soft glass cases that glasses come in?
Or even take a facecloth and make a cylinder and stitch a key ring to the top of that in either hang it on a nail or hook up out of the little ones reach and this way you could just slip the glasses back in the case or use a small hand towel and make several pockets. I did that for my TV remotes and pinned it to my couch.
You can take a thick dish towel (pick one to match your rooms decode) and with it laying flat vertically >bring up the end of it far enough to just cover your sunglasses 3/4 (use your sunglasses as your measuring guide) then mark it with pins where it comes too then stitch down each side and then measure how far apart you need your pockets to be to put them side by side and stitch there as well.If you do not sew just put tiny safety pins in the places needed. And then drape the edge of the dish towel over a clothes hangers bottom and pin there also straight across. Then twist your hangers hook and hang it where ever you like so its at your reach. If you do sew you could make one for your kids from a kids print hand towel and get old sunglasses from yard sales for them to keep in theirs to be like mommie.
Here's what I do: Take a rectangle scarf & drape it over a small nail in your wall. Now, clip your sunglasses to the scarf with a butterfly type hair clip or any hair clip from the dollar store (the kind you squeeze to open) you can get a dozen for $1... What you do to hang the sunglasses is clip the nose part of the sunglasses as you clip the fabric from the scarf behind it. If you clip is bigger, you can clip the 2 folded up "ear" pieces & let the front of the glasses hang down a bit. If you hang this scarf high enough, you kids won't be able to reach it; easy fast and free!
Another idea: This time of year many dollar stores have garden supplies. Last year I bought 2 wire baskets there that are made to be filled with moss then hold plants or flowers. These wire baskets were green & were simple baskets made from a few wires. To hang them, they are held up with 3 chains from the ceiling. You would hang one of these wire baskets then clip your sunglasses all around the top of the wire rim... The glasses would stay on because one ear wire would be folded over the wire. I use my wire basket for hanging scarves, but it would hold sunglasses (or sunglasses AND scarves) just as easily! And since it hangs from the ceiling, no worries about the kiddies getting at them!
Another idea: Take a mens tie (or fabric belt) then sew (or safety pin) a row of round key rings or drapery rings to the tie. Next, hang the tie horizontally or vertically to the wall with thumbtacks or small nails. To hang glasses: Open one side of the sunglasses & put one of the ear parts through the rings the refold them.
If you can find a belt that has loops or rings at a second hand store this would also make a great sunglass holder. I see stuff like this all the time at thrift stores.
Also, you could hang a small & thin drapery rod then put plain round drapery rings on it & put the sunglasses through the rings. With something like this you could move the glasses from side to side & add more rings as you collect more sunglasses!
If you have any old pants (especially jeans) you don't wear, you could cut the pockets off then thumb tack them to a cork board. But, unless the pants are well-worn, I'd hate to rip up a pair of good jeans when someone else could use them. Of course you could always use the pant legs to make something else with!
I too have this problem, and have been wondering for a while now what to do and it wasn't until I read your post that I thought of something...lol, I think I will use a small "over the door" or "closet hanging" plastic shoe rack, with the clean window pockets, (that you can pick up a a Dollar Tree type store). You don't have to turn the glasses forward this way they don't get scratched, you can simply turn them sideways but b/c the pockets are see thru you can find the pair you want easily. Hope this works well for you.