My eldest is the sweetest person next to his dad. The most thoughtful kid ever. I saw him cut out some pieces of art paper and asked him what it's for and he said he'll give it to his teacher. He said he doesn't have much money to buy her a gift so he tried searching for ideas online. I helped him with his work and it turned out really nice.
- 2 8x8 inches Construction paper (color of your choice)
- Marker
- Pen
- Scissors
- glue

- Get 1 piece of 8x8 inches square construction paper.

- Fold it like triangle, side by side.

- Unfold. Pull the tips/corners of the paper up one by one. Bring them to the center point. Make sure they are in equal sizes. See photos for reference.
- Unfold two corners. Fold the two edges to meet in the center line. See photo.

- Unfold that one, do the same to the other side. Make sure to crease the folds tightly.

- Pull up one tip and fold along the creases on the side to make it stand just like in the picture.
- Do the same on the other side to finally form a box.

- Push one corner of the box inside. Support with your fingers to form a heart shaped box.
- Next, get the second paper and do the same procedure to make another. This will serve as the cover.
- Cut out a heart shaped paper and draw a face on it. Glue it into the box cover.

- Put some candies inside with a tiny greeting card. Then it's ready for Valentine's day gift.

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