
Overcoming a Fear of Mice?

August 29, 2006

Woman Holding MouseHow do I get over the fear of mice?

Gigi from Phila, PA



By (Guest Post)
August 30, 20060 found this helpful
Best Answer

First, remember, they have much more to be scared of than you do!

Do you know anyone who has mice (or gerbils, hamsters, rats, etc.) for pets? If so, try a couple visits with them. Eventually try to pet them. The are quite soft. You may even be able to eventually bring yourself to hold one!

If you are having a problem with mice in your house, (and don't have a cat), I would strongly recommend the humane "live traps." The mice get caught inside, and you can then take them to a nearby field for release. You never have to touch them. And you'll know that you didn't have to make another creature suffer needlessly. Remember, they are only trying to survive, just like us humans!

August 29, 20060 found this helpful

Buy some...

Seriously, pet mice could bring you joy as I truly loved mine.

Failing that, get a snake that will eat them. Then get mice to'll be able to turn your fear into hate as you feed your other pet *evil grin*

By Cheryl from Missouri (Guest Post)
August 30, 20060 found this helpful

Are you afraid of the mice themselves or their surprise appearances? I'm always startled to see something scurry across the room, but once I realize it's a mouse I try to capture it (or ask my hubby to do it!!).


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August 31, 20060 found this helpful

I also have a fear of mice. We used to get mice in our apartment until I got a tip from someone on another site, and we have not had a mouse sighting since. The tip is: baking soda. We were getting mice in my dd's bedroom closet, dh sealed off the holes the best he could, and we still got mice. I sprinkled baking soda in the closet and have not had another mouse since, over a year, (neighbor still gets them and she is more terrified than I am).


Another tip is to soak a cotton ball in peppermint oil (not extract) and put around where you have mice coming in. I think the baking soda is better tho.

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