
Overwintering Geraniums

August 13, 2009

overwintering geraniumsDoes anyone have experience with keeping geraniums for replanting the next spring? I'm going to try for the first time.

Hardiness Zone: 5a


By Jewell June Kurtz from Van Wert, OH


August 14, 20091 found this helpful

I have done that quite a few times and it works. Trim the plant to the size you want, then rinse it and make sure you rinse all the garden soil away from the roots (you don't want any bugs from the garden in your home), plant the geranium in your planter with potting soil and you'll have a geranium for indoors, it will even flower! Next year you just put it back in your garden or in a pot on the patio. Good luck!


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August 14, 20090 found this helpful

I tried it once in our basement, but then grew tired of going down there to water. One word of caution if you have cats. Geraniums and many other outdoor plants are poisonous. That's why I can't keep ours inside except in the basement, where we lock them out. If you don't have cats, go for it. Here's a list of other poisonous plants as well--


August 24, 20090 found this helpful

The place where my daughter worked had some in a pot. Near spring they were almost dead from poor moisture in the air. However they survived a light frost when left out side. I trimmed it down and put some of the clippings in good quality potting soil. They started rooting and making new plants.

High humidity is a key part of them not drying up.

Zone 5a

August 24, 20090 found this helpful

I have overwintered my geraniums for the last 5 years. I live in the Buffalo,NY area so I pull them in before the first frost. They will last if you water them about 2 times a month. I have them near a window for light.


They do get "leggy" and I let them. In the spring I cut them back, repot them and add liquid fertilizer for house plants and put them out after fear of more snow or frost. Good luck.

August 29, 20110 found this helpful

When I lived in CT. I would dig up the geraniums before the first frost. Hang them upside down from the rafters in the basement. I never watered them. Just left them hanging until spring when they started to green up. Then you pot them up in some good soil, and wait until it is safe to put them back out doors.

Don't get discouraged when you see them looking kind of dead like in the winter-they will come back in the spring! jjs

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 23, 2011

We live in hardiness zone 6a. My friend gave me some cut geraniums which rooted and are doing well in an outdoor container.
What do I have to do to have them survive the coming cold weather?

By Este


August 30, 20110 found this helpful

If your temps get below freezing, they will need to be brought in. I put them in pots and set in a window and enjoy blossoms during the winter, but you can also pull up the plants, knock off the soil and store them in a paper bag.


I first cut the stems down to about 4". Towards spring, they will start greening out and then can be replanted.

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November 2, 2013

I would like to know how to protect geraniums through the winter. I have three planters of geraniums. I don't want the frost to kill them.

By Maxine

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