This craft I'm going to demonstrate is something that we used to play with back in the days when the internet and gadgets did not exist. As quarantine days extend, let's find ways to teach kids simple crafts to cheer them up and make them active instead of exposing them too much to gadgets.
- 2 paper cups (we used tin cans back in the days)
- at least 1 meter string or longer
- scissors

- Make a small hole in the center of each paper cup bottom.

- Extend your string as long or far as your preferred distance. Cut it.

- Insert one end of the string into the hole of one paper cup.

- Tie a knot on the tip to lock and keep it from detaching from the cup.

- Insert the other end to the second cup. Do the same.

- It's done. Now, you can also draw or decorate the cups as you wish.
- It's ready for use. For better results pull them apart until the string extends its maximum distance. To play, place one cup on your mouth as you talk and let your friend listen on the other end. The sound of your voice will be heard on the other end and it really works amazingly.

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R Barbara
Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 190 Posts April 22, 20200 found this helpful
What a fun retro toy with the updated use of paper cups!

April 23, 20200 found this helpful
I was always so amazed that voice from the other line can really be heard. This is what I also want my kids to appreciate - simple things. They learn and they enjoy.
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