Some of the toys my parrots have enjoyed over the years are:
- apple tree limbs and twigs with leaves still on them
- one-piece clothes pins often found in craft stores
- leather shoe laces and also cloth ones
- whole dandelion plants, washed off- They are also good for them!
- An old, stringy washcloth, just watch them so they don't get tangled up and injure themselves.
- A piece of cholla if you live near cactus. I have a cousin who supplies it to me from the desert.
- An old plastic cup with a nut or dry pieces of spaghetti or macaroni. Just don't use too many in case they eat them, it might swell up on them.
- Cook up half an ear of corn on the cob, messy but good for them, and they love shredding them.
If anyone else has some good ideas, I know my parrot will appreciate them!
By Jacketbacker from Greer, SC
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November 3, 20210 found this helpful
Thanks for making this blog. It is pretty interesting. I love exotic parrots
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