
Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

I am adding this tip because my heart hurts when I hear about parvo. I know that sometimes we all can not afford the vet and it is a hard thing when you feel helpless. So if you have a pet with parvo, then this is what you can do:


Make some plain white rice and lean hamburger. Mix them up and let them cool to room temperature. Try feeding this to your pet, the rice is what they need, but the smell of the hamburger will make them want to eat.

Pedialyte has a good taste and will help keeping them from becoming dehydrated. This is what your pet will die from, the dehydration that parvo causes.

Also call your local Fry's food store with a pharmacy inside and ask if they carry the medicine for parvo. You do not need a prescription for this, but you will have to administer it yourself. This is not very hard, you take the back of the neck and grab the loose skin where the mother would carry it and inject in the loose skin, not the muscle. If your dog is older, then you might have to go to the vet and get a saline drip for your pet.


One more thing, keep them hydrated no matter what it takes. They are not going to want to drink so it is easiest to have crushed ice and put a small piece at a time in their mouth, even if they fight it. Not too much, just a piece.

My prayers are with all of you. Good luck and God Bless.

By Faith from Tempe, AZ


RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

Yes, treatment at the vet's for parvo can be very expensive, $500 - $6,000 per dog are the costs we've come across.

We've heard one vet say that 75% of his clients opt to have their dogs put down because they can't afford to pay for the treatment. This is really sad as there are cheaper methods of treating parvo-infected dogs at home that have a 90% success rate.

We've not come across the rice solution before, and wonder how effective it will be given that dogs with parvo typically can't keep any food down. Do you know the reasons why it is suggested that rice will help, or how effective it is at doing whatever it does?


While Pedialyte can be good, a better solution is to make the "parvo emergency tea recipe". This uses ingredients you can easily find at your local supermarket and/or pharmacy, and it not only helps to re-hydrate your sick dog, but it also provides some nutrients.

What parvo medicine is it that you can buy at the pharmacy? It sounds as though you're talking about IV/SubQ fluids, in which case these too will provide hydration support, but they won't do much to help with the parvovirus itself as there is no cure for this virus. (It can be treated, but that's a different matter altogether.)

As for keeping them hydrated, you're right, that's a must. However, you must also be careful not to over-hydrate them, as this can put a huge strain on their heart and can even kill them.


We really would suggest that people read a free book, called "Parvo Treatment 101", that my wife and I put together. It tells you all about parvo, how it strikes, treatment options (including safe and cost-effective herbal remedies you can administer to your dog at home), disinfection guidelines, and much, much more. You can find your free copy at "". (10/07/2007)

By Mark

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

I don't even have a dog, but after reading so much about parvo here I looked it up and found a great article here:'s a virus, so can't be cured and you can only treat the symptoms. Note also how very contagious it is! (10/08/2007)

By pamphyila

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

Intravenous fluid therapy is the mainstay of treatment for this illness. Administration of serum and newer colloidal fluids along with traditional fluid therapy seems to help puppies survive. Antibiotics are necessary to prevent secondary bacterial illnesses. Since Clostridium species bacteria are a common secondary problem, amoxicillin and antibiotics with similar spectrum are often used. (10/14/2007)


By faith

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

Pedialyte does help. If your dog has already lost interest in eating and drinking, I suggest using a medicine syringe, (I used an old one that I used to use to give my baby medicine). Fill the syringe and place at the back of the mouth and gently dispense the Pedialyte (or cheap version of) into the back of the throat. Orange or no flavor tastes best. It has a good taste and my puppy just drank it from a bowl. I also have had success with powdered Gatorade drink mix. You can mix a scoop with a can of canned dog food mix well. It is much cheaper than the vet. Continue to administer electrolytes (Gatorade, Pedialyte, Powerade) every few hours until the dog is drinking on their own. This could take days. I hope you have success with your puppy as well. (10/11/2008)


By Jessica from OK

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

We used a natural remedy for parvo a few years ago called Parvaid: or

It works excellently and prevents over 90% of puppies who have come in contact with the virus from getting it, if dosed preventatively.Hope this helps! (10/24/2008)

By Julie

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

A little over a month ago I found 2 puppies abandoned in the woods near a relative's house. I knew the starving puppies would die soon if I didn't do something. So I took them home. The girl, Lady, stayed with me and my husband. The boy, Tramp, stayed with my mom. My mom couldn't keep Tramp because of her living situation, so I took him too.

Lady has always been small and had more noticed problems than Tramp, so I think her weak immune system is what initially helped her get parvo. Of course any dog can get it, shots or not, and people will down you if your dog is not vaccinated and gets it or if you don't have the money to get them thousands of dollars worth of treatment, but I won't. I would have taken her to the vet if it didn't cost $3000.00. The vet said I could pay a few hundred and take her home for treatment if I opted to. A few hundred might as well be a thousand in these trying times. The only other option was to give her up and have her put to sleep. My husband and I considered this option just yesterday morning. We decided to help her fight for her life.

Everyone has good intentions, and if you are like me, you were going to go after you paid your bills on your next paycheck, then your dog got sick first. Obviously you researched parvo online, because here you are reading this. I did too. There were a lot of great ideas. The only problem with feeding your dog rice and hamburger and Pedialyte is that eventually some dogs won't eat or drink anything and when you force them to they throw it back up.

People may criticize you for trying to treat it at home, but if it is life or death, choose life.
Here's what I did:

  • Pedialyte (cheap brand is OK)
  • Pepto Bismal (cheap brand is OK too)
  • yogurt (not especially good for dogs, but it sticks better than anything I tried and helps stop malnutrition)
  • large medicine dropper
  • round the clock watching, loving, force feeding, acting positive

I sucked up a dropperful of each of these and gave to her forcefully by mouth every hour or 2, whichever she could hold at the time. It may seem mean and some people will say don't force your dog, but I am telling you to do it because my dog was literally on her death bed and now she is hopping around and eating.

Your baby may fight you in this as mine did, but it is worth it. If she/he throws up, wait a few minutes till they calm down and do it again. Again, I didn't listen to people who told me not to. This was Lady's life at stake. She threw it up for 3 days, but on the fourth afternoon she suddenly wanted my pork chop. I wouldn't have opted to give her that to start back with, but it was the 1st sign she was getting better, so I gave her tiny pieces and little sips of water the rest of the day. Today is the 5th day and she is eating a little more and wants to play! What a miracle!

My husband and I are so happy about our decision to help her live, but it was also her will to live. We showed her love and constant support and allowed her to rest a lot. She slept with me and my husband slept on the sofa. She threw up on me and had it so bad with all the diarrhea we really thought she was dead already a lot of the time, but that look in her eyes said, "Help me", so we did.

Remember to make the room she is in as cheerful as possible when she is awake and as quiet as possible when she sleeps. Always hug her/him and show your love. It will make them want to live. Our other dog is bigger and stronger so we are hoping he will be fine, but if parvo strikes again we will be sure to treat him fast as possible.

I hope this helped at least one person to save their baby! In love. (05/28/2009)

By kimberly

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

First of all let me say to anyone who has to watch their dog or puppy suffer through parvovirus, my heart goes out to you. I am currently going through this myself, and it appears that our puppy may be going to pull through. I know that there are many web sites that will offer tons of advice and there are many good suggestions that are out there, but I will share what I have learned and what has got our puppy through this so far.

The first signs that any dog has parvo is simple, watch for a change in their behavior. If they are sleepy and seem to be out of their normal behavior you should start to keep an eye out on them at this point. Notice if your puppy seems to be eating less then not at all. (I wish that I had known this earlier.)

Second when your puppy starts to vomit (if it is a yellowish foam, your need to be aware that this is probably going to turn out to be parvo). You may also notice that your puppy's urine may have a strong smell that your have never noticed before. Then the last and most telling sign is runny, black, diarrhea (with an odor that you can not miss). Your puppy has parvo. I hope that you have been treating your puppy prior to noticing the last sign I mentioned, the explosive and horrible smelling diarrhea.

Let me say that I did take our puppy to the vet the second day that I noticed that he was not eating and the vomiting started. I was given medication for the vomiting (Cerenia - which you may be able to purchase at the pharmacy or a pet medication supplier) it will stop the vomiting. It is very important that you stop the vomiting and keep your puppy hydrated. As it is common knowledge among anyone who has had any experience with parvo knows the virus is not the killer of puppies, it is the lack of fluids, or dehydration.

If you can not get your puppy to the vet, which I strongly recommend you try in order to determine what is actually going on for sure, you need to hydrate your puppy and this will save his life. We gave our puppy Pedialyte, force feeding him with a syringe about 3-4 cc every hour for 24 hours. After your puppy starts to feel a bit better he will start to crave water, as his/her body needs the water to help eliminate the virus from their body. However you can not let them drink as much as they would like as it will induce vomiting and it will only make things worse. If they are going to their water bowl then give them a small amount (skim) the bottom of the bowl. You will need to continue to administer Pedialyte with the syringe every 2-3 hours at about 3-4cc per dose. Until your puppy has a normal bowl movement continue this process.

This is what we are doing and it is working. I hope that it helps as much as it helps us. I know my puppy is not out of the woods yet, but he is much better than he was two days ago. Once the puppy has made it past the 72 hour mark with this treatment and they seem to be doing any better or just holding their own, you have a pretty good chance that they are going to have a full recovery. Best wishes to anyone who needs this advice. (09/19/2009)

By Bryan

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

I am extremely happy to say that my 4 month old Pit bull puppy named Princess survived the parvo virus. We adopted her and her brother when they were about 2 months old and they were in very poor health and covered with ticks, but we cleaned them up and fattened them up very nicely.

Their previous owners said that they had received their first round of shots so I was not worried about them getting sick until they started showing some signs of illness last week. The boy puppy began vomiting with a lot of diarrhea. He could not eat or drink anything. We thought he had eaten something that made him sick, but by the second day he was skin and bones. This disease eats them up very quickly.

Sadly we lost him because I was too late in finding out that it was parvo. Well a day later the girl puppy started showing the same signs as her brother. So this time I jumped on it as quick as possible. We took her to the vet and they confirmed that it was parvo, but it was just too expensive to leave her there for a whole week at the vet's office. The only thing we could afford were some antibiotics that he prescribed and some electrolyte solution.

When I got home I started researching possible cures for the parvo virus. I found this website and several others that mentioned to give them Pedialyte and Pepto Bismal. I began treatments right away even though it was an extremely messy and smelly job of cleaning up and feeding her through a syringe even though she did not want to eat or drink anything at all, I did not give up. It was a 24 hour job for 3 days straight.

Finally on the fourth day she started to show signs of improvement. Today (April 18, 2010) she is eating and drinking on her own and playing a little more than before. The Pepto stopped the diarrhea right away and the baby Pedialyte grape flavor helped keep her hydrated. I noticed that her gums were pale so I also gave her some raw egg mixed in with the Pedialyte and about 10 minutes later her gums turned a pinkish color and her eyes brightened up. She is a fighter and I am glad I found your website with all the helpful information. Do not give up try everything you can to keep your pup alive it can be done my puppy is proof of that. (04/18/2010)

By linda

RE: Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet

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January 27, 20174 found this helpful
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Save your puppy from parvo

as much as they will drink.
Boil and cool.
Feed little at a time to avoid vomiting.
If they refuse, wet their gums and see if they take it after that.
Use a syringe to put in a little a time every 10-15 minutes.

Attention and encouragement:
Talk to them.
Encourage them to fight and get better
Tell them why you are giving them medication and how it will help them
Tell them not to give up. Give them a reason to fight for their life.
Show them you are there for them

Canned food, mashed rice or potato, chicken fillets, chicken broth or soup.
Don't force them too much.
Put a little canned food or mashed rice on their tongue.
If they vomit. Wait half an hour before trying again
Try and feed them water after food as they might be thirsty. Don't force and only 2-3 licks.

drop tablets at the back of their mouth and give a little water with teaspoon or syringe
tilt their heads backwards gently to make sure they swallow
if they trouble, dilute tablet in a little water and suck it with a syringe and push it at the back of their throats
continue all medication until course is finished
no cure for parvo. Antibiotics to prevent other infections during parvo. Nausea tablets to help with vomiting. Dewormer to kill any word that could harm intestines during fragile state.

Vomit & diarrhea:
clean it as soon as dog passes it.
place paper down to make cleaning easy.
throw bleach mixed with water  (1:30) over any vomit,urine or stools as soon as you clean it and let it dry.
bleach is the only thing that kills parvovirus. Clean your house or yard as often as you can.
Put bleach water In a spray bottle and spray it over anything the puppy touches. And over shoes.

This is my personal experience of how I helped my fur ball succeed in fighting parvo. I am no doctor or vet. Any information I provided is only to help and does provide any guarantee. It's all up to the effort you put in and your puppy's will to live. I pray and hope you and your puppy successfully fight this life threatening virus. Please do take your pet to the vet. It is possible to hospitalize them or take care of them at home but it does require sleepless nights and around the clock care. Please feel free to ask for help as i am dedicated to helping anyone fight this virus after my experience.

June 17, 20170 found this helpful

I have puppy died yesterday with medication with vet now her sister is suffering from parvo to. We got medication from vet. But is there something else we can do to help aside from the medication that the vet gave us? Im from philippines

August 12, 20170 found this helpful

I have a male Yorkie we just moved 4 hours away to my mom's house which she has a female Yorkie my dog is not eating that much and this morning the pee Pee sheet had a little bit of blood and diarrhea but he's not depressed or nothing he's jumping around normal can it be parval or maybe he misses his old house and never been around another Yorkie even tho it looks likes he like her cause keeps smelling her private?

October 7, 20170 found this helpful

Hi what medication did you give her to help your dog survive mines going through it now

October 11, 20170 found this helpful

I just lost my duke boy to parvo. 1 day later his pregnant sister has it starting. My lady is 10 months old. Doing any and everything i can. I have 1 other dog im afraid might get it too..

October 11, 20170 found this helpful

I have a twelve week old chuaha mix she has caught parvovirus 2 days ago gave her a bath to bring her temperature down yesterday. Today got her some Gatorade and beef broth she is a little more perky she has her moments that it ain't good so far so good I think I caught it early she will survive

February 25, 20180 found this helpful

OK right now I'm very worried about my 9 week old puppy this morning he was fine but about two hour ago he started acting like he's not feeling good and he'd been throwing up and he's had the runs so far I haven't seen blood but I gave a little bit Pepto bismol and I'm giving him water im really because he's my baby I don't want to lose him I can't afford a vet

June 7, 20180 found this helpful

My dog is at the vet now fighting. We caught it early but im so scared. Im only day two into this n im going crazy. Im scared i dont wanna lose her.any encouraging hope u can share

July 3, 20180 found this helpful

I have 2 pitboxer puppies, 1 boy 1 girl about 3 months old. Twin( the girl) has had more vomiting then diarrhea, while bruce so far has had only diarrhea since we've started treating them at home. Both have shown an interest in water on their own. Is there anything else you could think of that could help me help them?

July 27, 20171 found this helpful
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My dog contracted parvo during memorial day weekend while everything was closed. We all took turns for around the clock love and forcing water, Pedialyte and cooked drained hamburger in very small pieces at regular intervals. We were able to take her to the vet on Tuesday and the vet told me that while her test was positive it was border line. The test and treatment cost about 150 dollars. Due to the parvo we delayed getting her fixed on the advice of the vet to give her more recovery time, she became pregnant 2 months later and gave birth to 7 healthy puppies and one still born. Now 4 years later she is still happy and healthy. This site saved her life and that's our story. Thank you all.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
July 31, 20170 found this helpful

Thank you so much for sharing your story. There are so many horror stories when it comes to parvo, it is wonderful to hear about a success.

August 23, 20170 found this helpful

This is good advice I'm reading and right now I am dealing with a sick little baby dog but I don't think it's Parvo no bloody stools. He is feverish, won't drink water, and lethargic. I am doing water via old syringe every two hours or less 3 syringes per time time. My dog is 5-6 pounds. The one thing I've been doing with him that I haven't read about is vitamin c via syringe. Vitamin C is a wonder substance it strenghtens the immune system and kills both viruses and toxins it comes into contact with. Dogs make their own vitamin c but during times of overwhelming illness and stress it's not enough. That being said I am still worried about my little dog so I am due in some liposomal vitamin c via UPS. I ordered 1 day shipping via Amazon Liv On Liposomal the only brand I trust at this point.

Liposomal vitamin c is encapsulated in a fat such soy or sunflower letchin. This form of vitamin c is easily absorbed in the body. (For more information about vitamin c look up orthomolecular medicine Andrew Saul, Dr. Thomas Levy, Linus Pauling are good people to start with.) Also, the swine flu case from Australia with a man who recovered with IV vit c and Liposomal Vit c.

My daughter's little Min Pin got suddenly ill she took him to the vet and $400 later no cure no diagnosis of what her dog had and a prognosis of 50/50 chance of life even with IV's and supportive care at the vet's office. She took her dog home and gave her dog Liposomal vit c that bought from her work (she's works in a dentist office). She gave the dog two individual packets a day of the lipo vit c and her dog recovered. She still did the Pedialyte via syringe, chicken broth for 4 days of so straight and then continued with supportive care less after the dog was out of the woods. I think she continued the vit c for 10 days.

As soon as the Liposomal vit c comes in I'll start that but until then I'll keep using powdered vit c mixed with water in a syringe. I had the vit c powder on hand because I take it everyday but crushed vit c pills could work too any store brand. If I couldn't get Liposomal vit c $30 for a pack of 30 then I would continue with the regular vit c but since this is my dog's life on the line I'm starting with the liposomal vit c as soon as it comes in. Still if Liposomal vit c couldn't be had for whatever reason then Vit c is still a powerful tool.

I hope this helps someone I'll update in a few days. Wish me luck.

October 27, 20180 found this helpful

Parvo is a virus not a bacterium. Thus, antibiotics are utterly useless.

December 26, 20160 found this helpful

Your puppy looks just like mine and I'm going through this at this very moment

January 6, 20170 found this helpful

When my pups were four months old they were exposed to parvo. My springerspaniel died four days later. When i realized what he had it was too late, he has died in the night. My pitbull seemed stronger though, he would at least attempt to keep hydrated and drink water. I lived two hours from a vet with no car. I ending up finding a way to bring him to the nearest town, this was three days after the first passed. When I got to the vet they said he was fine and fought whatever was ailing him at home. So I'm confused, I still don't know how he fought it without medication. Could his immune system just be really strong? He started to eat four days after his brother died. Thank God Hendrix is with us today

February 19, 20170 found this helpful

Could you explain the egg mixture to me please? I had to have my beloved dog of over 12 years put down Friday afternoon due to old age. Friday night my 4 month old Chihuahua started with diarrhea & vomiting and has continued to do so. I have started giving the pedialyte and pepto bismol with a small syringe, and was also advised by my vet to give Benadryl every 4-6 hrs to help with the vomiting. She is still having diarrhea and it has actually turned from a light brown, runny stool to a dark brown runny stool, and now it appears to be dark brown and bloody. My family and I are still devastated over the loss of our beloved baby just 2 days prior, I can't even begin to imagine loosing another one of our animals!! Any and all help and advice will be extremely appreciated!!!

January 6, 20180 found this helpful

What did u give ur puppy jist pedialite and pepto

September 2, 20190 found this helpful

Thank-you all for these great success stories and aides. I might be dealing with this with my 24 month old, who up until 3 days ago was vibrant, happy, full of life and as healthy as possible under ou circumstances, as I have been working on his very poor health ( he has a heart murmur and asthma) since he came to me 11/2 months ago..... his brother was stolen out of the backyard, and he was left in his place..... no doubt a rotten puppy mill, who used him to near death, and now has my Beni Benat..... I'm not sleeping well these days..... But, for this little guy,we have seen much progress in his over all health.... no asthma attacks, and his heart isn't palpitaing as it was..... I am a practicing natural health person since age 11, so I know the best way to cure is the natural way..... So, 3 days ago my Tedi Bear went from happy and rambuncious to sad and docile.... he didn't eat much the first day, but we were still playing; by day two, he wouldn't eat or drink water.... and even refused a hard boil egg, which he loves.... I could only get him to drink water from my hand, and a little sugar water...he threw up 3 times...yesterday, he ate a few squash leaves and string bean leaves, which he loves, and promptly had a very runny bm, and threw up, but I know it was enticed by the squash and beans.... and actually was good, because this must clean out of the system.... he's refused all foods..... I make my dogs' food, and usually have no issues with feedings.... what dog doesn't like fresh beef organs, chicken gizzards, and liver?..... so I know there is something wrong when he turns his nose up..... We live in a city, and cities have more potential risks to diseases for dogs than being on your own land in the country..... so, you people have given me great hope, encouragement and direction in how to treat this.....he hasn't thrown up since yesterday AM, so tht's good.... I made a tincture of black walnut green hulls yesterday, and I am pretty sure it helped alot in knocking down the parasites ( infectious bacterium are microscopic parasites) Black walnut green hull tincture is a powerful antibiotic and kills parasites..... give a very little..... I mean only a drop in a glass of water..... also, I am making up some fresh garlic tea, as garlic is a powerful antibiotic stronger than penicillin...... that will help also with hydration, along with the homemade electrolyte water; it's much safer and milder than the store brands, with no added junk, and I use sea salt which adds back minerals as well..... I don't think baking soda would be very good to use; it's a little harsh, and can cause bloating, in an already irritated gut..... Also, I've made puree out of his fresh cooked meat, which he refused yesterday, but little by little I will get some in him..... I think I still have some coillodal silver on hand.... (Sovereign is the brand); that will definitely help to wipe out the virus..... and yes, viruses ARE curable.... Yesterday, I was at my wit's end; he seems to just want to lay there and die..... this poor baby has already been through so much..... but now I see a light at the end of this tunnel...... and we will make it through..... please pray for us and my Beni Benat......thank-you so much

January 4, 20200 found this helpful

RAW EGG has cured Parvo in dogs at death's doorstep unflavored Pedialyte and Pepto-Bismol pretty sure remedy


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