Mailing separate bills gets expensive and the postage is due to go up. I charge bills on a credit card and then pay it off each month. Only if you are a disciplined person and pay the entire credit card bill off each month should you consider this tip. You don't want to pay interest.
I have used a Visa United Frequent Flyer Credit Card for years; with each charge you acquire miles toward free airline tickets. Most of our money is deposited into the checking account so the money is there when the bill comes in. You have a quick reference of where your money is being spent. You can make one check out, or call the credit card company, or go online and pay by debit from your bank account (you have to set it up). After doctor's offices get paid by the insurance company, they will mail you a bill, you can call and pay the bill on the phone.
For us, we do not spend anymore than we would with cash or check, it's just more convenient. You can pay just about every bill with a credit card now so we do.
The airline credit cards do carry a fee "if you want the miles", we use to fly to Hawaii and use the Free miles as an upgrade to "first class" each year; for us it was worth it. You can do the same on a regular no fee card and forego miles.
By Syd
By Vicki (Guest Post)
January 1, 20050 found this helpful
I do the same thing. I charge everything on my cards & pay them off every month. And since I pay them on-line I save on the stamp, envelope & check. If you're way in debt on them consider re-financing & paying them off. The interest rate on your house is way less than credit card interest. Be careful you don't delete your equity to much though. Make sure there's enough room.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 148 Posts January 1, 20050 found this helpful
Many of the banks now have a Billpay feature. Some of them, like mine, US Bank, provide this feature for FREE. You can schedule to pay any bill on any date. I am on SS and my check comes the 3rd of the month, So during the month, as my bills arrive, I schedule the Billpay to pay them on the 4th of the month. The date ensures that my SS check, which is automatically deposited into my bank will be there to cover the payments.
It saves postage, and saves a couple hours of writing checks and addressing envelopes on my payday. This is better than automatic pay from your account, because you choose the day for the money to be withdrawn. I pay all my utilities and monthly bills this way.
Harlean from Arkansas

January 7, 20050 found this helpful is a great web site inwhich you can pay your bills on line and save the postage too. This site is free and safe. You recieve an email with every updated new bill that you recieve as a reminder that it needs to be paid. I've been using it for about 3 months now and have saved about $20 so far on postage alone.
And so much more $ as far as late fees are concerned because through them all bills are paid on time. No more "just because you are one day late" because the mail did not get there in time, late fees!!!