My twin grandsons were born less than a year ago and are growing up without seeing their family members faces during these trying times. I decided to get close up photos of each of our families' FACES and add them to a small photo album to give the boys for the holidays.
The boys love looking at books and this might help them recognize their family when we get to meet again without masks!
I have done a similar thing for my 5 grandchildren between husband died over 3 1/2 yrs ago & some of the grandbabies met him & others had not....I made them Grand daddy books esp if there are pix of him & the baby...we try to keep the memory of him special for them to know such a precious & loving man...he would have loved each and every one of them sooo much!
what a fabulous idea!i bet that would help others in the same situation,-you clever person!xx
I just want them to be able to recognize us if we wear masks too and arent afraid of these strangers!
Facial recognition is important!
That is a loving thing to do! Good for you!