I live in a townhouse and the next door neighbor has a dog that is not housebroken. The urine and feces smell is coming through the walls and it is overwhelming and I am getting physically ill from it.
Nok-Out will eliminate odors. I suggest you contact the landlord and let him apply it. Your health comes first. I would be more concerned about breathing that in than if my neighbors or landlord liked me.
Thank you everyone for your input to my problem. I have found a remedy . It is called 'Natural Magic' odor absorbing gel sold at Lowes. Believe me this stuff works.
I can't think of anything you can do. Lysol and candles and such will just mask it. I would say its time to contact the landlord
There is no way you can do it without putting a kink in the relationship with the neighbors. I'm sorry.
Assuming you are renting, the landlord really deserves to know about the damage being done to his property. He or she will decide what needs to be done.
Contact the landlord. If it is in the walls nothing will help except to replace the walls or kilz it.
there is a product called Odorban and omg does it work... maybe if you sprayed it on your baseboards and walls following directions it will help....
i do not believe you should have to live with a sickening odor like this but to truly remedy it you will have to discuss it with your neighbor. It is a shame to have to take this step but you cannot even sell to get rid of it - who would buy your townhouse with this problem? How did this odor get past you when you purchased?
Who knows - your neighbor may even be understanding and try to work out a solution but it will be a lot of trouble for them and expensive as well and time consuming to train their dog and work on the odors.
You do know this could be a health issue so maybe you could add that to your "complaint" about this problem.
If the stench is that bad in your townhouse, can you imagine what it must be like in your neighbors townhouse. I truly doubt you could reason with someone who lives under those conditions.
Your health comes first, not your relationship with your neighbor. If I were you, i would be consulting the county health department asking them to drop by and witness the stench. They should take appropriate action.
Who knows, you might be doing the man a favor. He could have serious problems a doctor or caregiver should know about.
i tend to agree with likekinds that maybe we have not really considered how bad this really could be for you and your neighbor. I mentioned that it was a health problem but maybe not strong enough.
I agree that you can't really resolve this situation without dealing with these neighbours and most likely contacting the authorities.
What to do meanwhile, between now and the final resolution, must involved taking care of that odour
- if you can afford it, try investing in an ozone odour removal machine. It basically chemically alters the air and uses free-floating oxygen atom to bind to smell-creating molecules and neutralizing them. Unfortunatley even they have this caveat: "(Note: If urine has soaked deeply into the carpet padding, hardwood floors, and/or concrete, professional remediation may be required. Ozone is a good pet odor remover and will remove most pet odors, but cannot penetrate some materials) "
still, my landlady used one of these in a room with a moisture smell and it really did the trick.
- this may sound weird, but if there were a way to create a plastic barrier on the offending wall to block off the ick coming from the neighbors, I would try that. Something bizarre that occurs to me is saran wrap the wall, or put up a plastic curtain. This sounds awkward, inelegant and it may not even work, but i know that i would, in your situation, at least TRY to think outside the box in those ways
- above suggestions re febreeze, etc. Other odour neutralizing products that have worked in my life is leaving activated charcoal satchets lying around, leaving little pots of vinegar lying around, leaving coffee grounds lying around, and leaving a ton of baking soda lying around. All these things absorb odours
- a good product for cleaning pet wastes are enzymatic cleaners. These generally only really work well in the area that is being sprayed/contaminated, but maybe using it in your area will provide relief
here's a tutorial on how to make hyour own - www.wikihow.com/
and here's a typical one for sale - www.amazon.com/
- another option that involves getting involved with the neighbour is, volunteering to clean up. LIke others said above, maybe he/she needs help. Showing up in a volunteer basis v. an angry "I will sic the Law on you" way might go a long way
I am not sure the concern was weather or not the landlord knew of the pet in the unit. It was clearly about how to deal with a smell coming from a neighbor. I share this same problem and was looking for some answers. The management know of my neighbors cats plus they have been hear longer but their weed smoke billows in my apartment multiple times a day and that combined with the cat smell is overwhelming. No vinegar or spray helps with it. I was looking for serious answers about the stated issue. Not if the owners knew about the pets or not.
I'm not breathing very well. Neighbors upstairs dog has never been outside. I'm wondering if thats the problem. I can't smell anything. They have wee wee pads all over the house.
Do you have an HOA that could step up and have a tactful conversation with them about it? They may even have pointed by laws that pertain to this subject. At the very least, they could simply explain the problem and their position on the subject. I'd hurry up and speak with them, though, as the longer you wait, the more 'permission' you give to them to continue their behavior. "But your Honor, my cat/dog is four years old and has lived with us since she was six months old. Why didn't she complain just three weeks ago?" See what I'm saying?