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A 60 degree day in February is an opportunity to get outside, soak up some vitamin D, get some fresh air and exercise, and enjoy nature.
Highway litter bugs me. I have been in a decluttering mood lately and felt like tackling an area of roadside trash that has caught my eye every time I have passed it.
I gathered my supplies and drove to the spot. In 1 1/2 hours I cleaned three tenths of a mile and stuffed 5 big bags with trash.
I knew it was bad, but didn't expect to be picking up that much. Although I got the worst of it, if my back will let me, I'll go back tomorrow and do a little more. After that, we are in for more cold weather and I'll be stuck in the house for a while.
To me, decluttering the highway is much easier than decluttering the house. There are no decisions to make, just pitch that litter in the bag and throw it away. For me, that's a stress reliever and gives me much satisfaction. It makes me happy to look back and see that clean roadside.
Where we live, the winter months are the best time of the year for picking up litter. The grass is short making the litter so accessible and there are no insects bothering you.
If you would like to pick up litter, you will need some cotton gloves, a reach extender, and something to put litter in. Call your local Dept. of Transportation. They will probably be glad to supply you with bags, a safety vest, and pick up the bagged litter for disposal.
I must say that determination is the key to getting things done. I went back today and finished what I wanted to do. I picked up another 5 bags of litter and the road looks good, once again.
Picking up litter during the hot summer months is not my favorite thing to do, but I'm proud of the sections of roadside my husband and I keep clean.
It's spring and people are getting in the cleaning mood. We want our houses and yards to look nice. But have you ever considered helping to keep our roads clean?
This is a page about making a litter bag holder. A handy tool you can make to keep your trash bag open when doing home, community, or roadside clean up.