I have lots of pimple marks on my face. Is there a homemade recipe for curing them faster?
Have you tried vitamin E oil? Just open a vitamin E oil capsule and smear the oil on about an hour before bedtime. This works slowly to remove scar tissue. You could also try giving yourself facials with aloe vera. It's neat stuff. The best thing is prevention. Are you eating lots of veggies and drinking lots of water so you can clean out your system? Do you have a food allergy? (For my uncle it was dairy products, and he really had serious acne with boils). Good health, anyway you can get it, is priceless! Good luck! (01/06/2007)
By Coreen Hart
1 tsp fresh dairy cream mixed with 1/2 tsp lemon juice will guarantee spotless skin in a months time. I was suffering from pimple scarring and marks for 15 years. This recipe smooths, clears and treats acne skin miraculously. Apply on skin and neck for 1/2 hour. Splash water on face. Using cotton wool or a washcloth, gently remove the citric cream. Rinse with cold water. You may use Dove soap as a final cleansing agent. Occasionally, substitute lemon juice with cider vinegar. Use twice a week. (01/14/2007)
By Nasira
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